简评:原文作者 Fergus Henderson 在 Google 工作了 10 年以上,目前负责 Google 的 text-tospeech 工程小组.有很多书籍或文章会从 商业/管理 等非技术角度来讲 Google 是如何运作的,这篇文档则是从软件工程学的角度来讲 Google 是如何运作的. Google 的成功有很多原因,其中一个重要原因就是 Google 不断积累的.优秀的软件工程实践经验. 本文的目的是梳理并简要介绍 Google 软件开发的核心流程,内容上主要分为软件开发 (So…
similarity Elasticsearch allows you to configure a scoring algorithm or similarity per field. The similaritysetting provides a simple way of choosing a similarity algorithm other than the default BM25, such as TF/IDF. Similarities are mostly useful f…
一篇非常精彩的解释CAP理论的文章,翻译水平有限,不准确之处请参考原文,还请见谅. Chapter 1: "Remembrance Inc" Your new venture : Last night when your spouse appreciated you on remembering her birthday and bringing her a gift, a strange Idea strikes you. People are so bad in rememberi…
一篇非常精彩的解释CAP理论的文章,翻译水平有限,不准确之处请参考原文,还请见谅. Chapter 1: “Remembrance Inc” Your new venture : Last night when your spouse appreciated you on remembering her birthday and bringing her a gift, a strange Idea strikes you. People are so bad in remembering th…