Armbian hostname and WiFi configuration】的更多相关文章

In previous post i have described installation of Armbian on Orange Pi PC Plus. Now is the time for some initial configuration (hostname and WIFI setup). Table of Contents Changing hostname Configuring WIFI to work with WPA2 Changing hostname Check c…
Setting up Wifi with the Command Line  SIMON MONK   This tutorial works best if your router is broadcasting the SSID. Make sure you have "Broadcast SSID" set up on your router! This may not work with "private" SSID setups Setting up Wi…
Network Configuration TL;DR When Docker starts, it creates a virtual interface named docker0 on the host machine. It randomly chooses an address and subnet from the private range defined by RFC 1918 that are not in use on the host machine, and assign…
前言 原创文章,转载引用务必注明链接.水平有限,如有疏漏,欢迎指正. 本文使用Markdown写成,为获得更好的阅读体验和正确的格式显示,请访问我的博客原文: 由于最近比较忙,就不详述介绍了,直奔主题,想要更多了解zero_w的可以查看别人的分享. 1. What Do I Want? 前段时间例行重装系统,突然发现,不管如何过了一段时间电脑里面就会出来一堆软件残留或者系统垃圾,作为一个有轻度洁癖的强迫症…
Android 6.0 Changes In this document Runtime Permissions Doze and App Standby Apache HTTP Client Removal BoringSSL Access to Hardware Identifiers Notifications AudioManager Changes Text Selection Browser Bookmark Changes Android Keystore Changes Wi-F…
1.Runtime Permissions On your apps that target the M Preview release or higher, make sure to check for and request permissions at runtime. To determine if your app has been granted a permission, call the new Context.checkSelfPermission() method. To r…
本文旨在介绍通过两台物理节点,实现完全分布式hadoop程序的部署 writen by Bob Pan@20140609 环境介绍: 主机名 机器IP 用途 描述 Hadoop0 Namenode secondaryNamenode jobTracker CentOS6.4 jdk-6u24-linux-i586 hadoop-1.1.2 Hadoop1 Datanode taskTracker CentOS6.4 jdk-6u24-l…
本文是将三台电脑用路由器搭建本地局域网,系统为centos6.5,已经实验验证,搭建成功. 一.设置静态IP&修改主机名&关闭防火墙(all-root)(对三台电脑都需要进行操作) 0.将三台电脑安装centos6.5系统 1.设置静态ip(便于机器之间的通信,防止路由器电脑重启后,ip变化,导致不能通信) vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 #描述网卡对应的设备别名,例如ifcfg-eth0的文件中它为eth…
一.设置Linux的静态IP 修改桌面图标修改,或者修改配置文件修改 1.先执行ifconfig,得到网络设备的名称eth0 2.编辑/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0文件 设置静态ip.dns.ip地址.子网掩码.网关等信息 3.重启网卡:service network restart 最后执行ifconfig命令查看是否修改成功 该步骤需保证虚拟机中的Linux能与客户机在同一网段并且ping通 二.修改主机名 修改当前会话主机名(当前会话生效…
第一天:1.答疑解惑•  就业前景•  学习hadoop要有什么基础•  hadoop会像塞班一样,热一阵子吗•  hadoop学习起来容易还是困难•  课堂上的学习方法(所有实验必须按照要求做,重原理.重实践)•  通过本课程能学到什么 2. 课程简介•  以真实的电信详单分析程序为主线,讲解Hadoop,Hbase,Hive在大数据处理的应用场景与过程•  通过此课程,你能     •  掌握Hadoop基本知识,进行HadoopHDFS和MapReduce应用开发,搭建Hadoop集群  …