Multivariate Linear Regression】的更多相关文章

Multiple Features Linear regression with multiple variables is also known as "multivariate linear regression". We now introduce notation for equations where we can have any number of input variables. The multivariable form of the hypothesis func…
Multiple Features 上一章中,hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1x,表示只有一个 feature.现在,有多个 features,所以 hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1x1 + θ2x2 + ... + θjxj.为了标记的方便,增加 x0 = 1 用向量表示 这里的 X 表示单行 Xi.如果是表示所有的 hθ(x),就会 X * θ(X 表示所有 x 的值) Gradient Descent For Multiple Features 也是同理,扩展到 j 个,就不再赘述. Grad…
警告:本文为小白入门学习笔记 数据集: 由房屋的面积和bedroom个数影响房价的高低. 加载数据 x = load('ex3x.dat');y = load('ex3y.dat');m = length(y);x = [ones(m, 1), x]; (之所以加上一列1,因为x1…
Machine Learning – Coursera Octave for Microsoft Windows GNU Octave官网 GNU Octave帮助文档 (有900页的pdf版本) Octave 4.0.0 安装 win7(文库) Octave学习笔记(文库) octave入门(文库) WIN7 64位系统安装JDK并配置环境变量(总是显示没有安装Java) MathWorks This week we're covering linear regression with mul…
I was going through the Coursera "Machine Learning" course, and in the section on multivariate linear regression something caught my eye. Andrew Ng presented the Normal Equation as an analytical solution to the linear regression problem with a l…
线性回归是机器学习中最基础的模型,掌握了线性回归模型,有利于以后更容易地理解其它复杂的模型. 线性回归看似简单,但是其中包含了线性代数,微积分,概率等诸多方面的知识.让我们先从最简单的形式开始. 一元线性回归(Simple Linear Regression): 假设只有一个自变量x(independent variable,也可称为输入input, 特征feature),其与因变量y(dependent variable,也可称为响应response, 目标target)之间呈线性关系,当然x…
此文是斯坦福大学,机器学习界 superstar - Andrew Ng 所开设的 Coursera 课程:Machine Learning 的课程笔记. 力求简洁,仅代表本人观点,不足之处希望大家探讨. 课程网址: Week 3: Logistic Regression & Regularization 笔记:…
(1) How to comput the Cost function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (2) How to comput the Batch Gradient Descent function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (3) How to scale features by mean value and standard deviation; (4) Ho… 1. Suppose m=4 students have taken some class, and the class had a midterm exam and a final exam. You have collected a dataset of their scores on the…
Introductory Overview Regression Problems Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines Model Selection and Pruning Applications Technical Notes: The MARSplines Algorithm Technical Notes: The MARSplines Model Introductory Overview Multivariate Adaptive Re…