Alcatraz Xcode6.4安装不了解决方法 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. Not sure if its the case for you guys, but apparently after upgrading to 6.4 it asks if you want to load bundles again. I clicked skip without looki…
使用pip install lmdb 时报错 ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output. 解决方法: 安装旧版本的lmdb pip install lmdb==0.97…
## How do I use it? Build the KSImageNamed target in the Xcode project and the plug-in will automatically be installed in `~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Plug-ins`. Relaunch Xcode and `imageNamed:` will magically start autocompleting your images. **Import…
笔记本win7在nodejs官方网站下载.msi文件安装,安装到一半的时候,进度条提示:roll back,because of a error.node.JS setup wizard ended prematurely.然后我就找啊找,各种环境配置,各种msi文件文件修改,杯具的还是解决不了.最后手动安装下载包和配置环境变量. 安装nodejs 答案是在这里找到的:install in windows,下面简要的说一下安装步骤: 下载nodejs引擎,32bit version或者64bit…