当你遇到Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'tr'. (" //无法绑定到"ngforof",因为它不是"tr"的已知属性.(" 可能问题一: 当前错误原因是没有绑定ngforof,在@ngmodule()中添加browsermodule到imports:[],如果它是根模块(appmodule),则为commonmodule. 简而言之,就是根部app.modu…
错误描述 当form表单加FormGroup属性时报错 Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form' <form nz-form [formGroup]="valForm" (ngSubmit)="submit()" role="form"> <div nz-form-item> <div nz-form-control [nz…
启动运行fiddler 报错,提示Unable to bind to port [8888],ErrorCode:10106 解决方式: 使用Fiddler或其他类似的监听工具出现这种错误时, Unable to bind to port [8888]. ErrorCode: 10106cmd下面执行命令 netsh winsock reset 然后重启电脑就可以了…
angular 报错 ERROR Error: If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form control must be defined as 'standalone' in ngModelOptions. Example 1: <input [(ngModel)]="person.firstName" name="first"…