Description of the problem: When you tried to drop a user, you got this message: Error: 15138 The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. Cause: That means, you are trying to drop a user owning a schema. In order to d…
解决microsoft sql server error:15138的方法 用sp_change_users_login消除Sql Server的孤立用户 exec sp_change_users_login 'REPORT' exec sp_change_users_log…
Problem:There are two SQL databases (dev and live) with on Azure which has identical table structures but different table schema name. We need a way to change the schema name at runtime thus we can maintain one code base for the two database Solution…
概论第四版中增加了create schema (第三版好像没有这个内容),但是却没有提到create  database.相反目前在大多数DBMS中(如SQL Server2000.Mysql等)都有create  database语句用来新建数据库,而create schema 在SQL Server2000中确实也有但好像用处不大,不过也可能是我对SQL  server2000中的create schema理解的不对,看过它的联机帮助也看的不太明白.所以就不太明确create  schema…
Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.comFri May 31 11:13:02 EDT 2013 Previous message: [odb-users] Create schema error (unknown database schema '') Next message: [odb-users] Create schema error (unknown database schema '') Messages sorted by: [ dat…
duplicate database的时候,rman连接 auxiliary database的后状态不正确 auxiliary database 已经被startup nomount,但是rman连接后显示状态是not started $ export ORACLE_SID=dupdb $ sqlplus '/as sysdba' SQL> startup nomount $ rman Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Jun :: C…
ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database  第三篇 第一篇 第二篇 问题现象:      在数据库alert告警日志中看见例如以下信息: Completed: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Wed Nov 19 04:57:28 2014 alter database open Errors in file /DBSoft/diag/rdbms/woo/woo/trace/woo_or…
问题: 文件 "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\ttt.mdf" 已压缩,但未驻留在只读数据库或文件组中.必须将此文件解压缩.CREATE DATABASE 失败.无法创建列出的某些文件名.请查看相关错误. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) 原因: 可能是在安装sql server的盘上执行了“压缩此驱动器以节约磁盘空间”, NTFS 或 FAT 压缩卷上…  更新数据时报错:Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s). Data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded 原因:Check your object, does it pass Primary Key Null. This Exception is Generally due thi…
sqlserver数据库脱机时发生异常,如下: =================================== 设置脱机 对于 数据库“SMS”失败.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) ------------------------------ 有关帮助信息,请单击:…