Despite the fact that Cypress is an application that runs natively on your machine, you can install it and add it as a dependency just like all other dependencies in your package.json file. So let's install Cypress and get our project ready to start…
Use custom Cypress command for reusable assertions We’re duplicating quite a few commands between the registration and login of our user for assertions. Let’s see how we can take these assertions and create a custom command to make the assertions. We…
Use Cypress to test user registration Let’s write a test to fill out our registration form. Because we’ll be running this against a live backend, we need to generate the user’s information to avoid re-runs from trying to create new users that already…
Load Data from Test Fixtures in Cypress When creating integration tests with Cypress, we’ll often want to stub network requests that respond with large datasets. All of this mock data can lead to test code that is hard to read. In this lesson, we’ll…
Use the Most Robust Selector for Cypress Tests Which selectors your choose for your tests matter, a lot. In this lesson, we'll see the recommended Cypress best practices for selectors, and why we should prefer the data-cy attribute. The Selector Play…
如果想从头学起Cypress,可以看下面的系列文章哦 前言 这里的栗子项目时 Cypress 提供的,在 github 上,所以要 clone 到本地的话需要装 Git 哦! 下载被测应用 进入要安装该应用的目录,cmd 敲 git clone 进入项目目录下,安装项目所需依赖包,敲…
如果想从头学起Cypress,可以看下面的系列文章哦 注意 51 testting 有一篇文章会和我的一样,因为是我投的稿~~ 前言 Cypress 的测试报告模块脱胎于 Mocha 的测试报告,故任何 Mocha 支持的测试报告均可直接用于 Cypress 下面将利用 Cypress-example 提供的 web 应用程序作为例子,需要先启动本地服务 进入被测应用 logging-in_…
document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\"><\/script>')…
      application/javascript是服务器端处理js文件的mime类型,text/javascript是浏览器处理js的mime类型,后者兼容性更好(虽然application/javascript才是正确写法,由于现在大家都写错的,导致浏览器厂商对写application/javascript兼容性更好).等以后大家都用HTML5的时候,就不需要写这个了.直接<script></script>就OK了!   另外 <script language =…
向 HTML 页面中插入 JavaScript 的主要方法,就是使用<script>元素.这个元素由 Netscape 创造并在 Netscape Navigator 2 中首先实现.后来,这个元素被加入到正式的 HTML 规范中. HTML 4.01 为<script>定义了下列 6 个属性. async:可选.表示应该立即下载脚本,但不应妨碍页面中的其他操作,比如下载其他资源或等待加载其他脚本.只对外部脚本文件有效. charset:可选.表示通过 src 属性指定的代码的字符…