LeetCode_101. Symmetric Tree】的更多相关文章

101. Symmetric Tree Easy Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree [1,2,2,3,4,4,3] is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following [1,2,2,null,3,null,3] is n…
题目链接:Symmetric Tree | LeetCode OJ Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note: B…
Symmetric Tree Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you c…
Same Tree Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. 思想: 无.能遍历即可. /** * Definition for binary tree * struct T…
题目:Symmetric Tree <span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;">/**LeetCode Symmetric Tree 对称的树 * 思路:推断一棵树是否对称,1.有左子树就要有右子树 * 2.除根节点外对称节点值要同样 * 注意:对称后就是左子树的左节点和右子树的右节点比較 * Definition for binary tree * public c…
Symmetric Tree 题目链接 题目要求: Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note: Bonus poi…
Symmetric Tree Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1   / \  2   2 / \ / \3  4 4  3But the following is not:    1   / \  2   2   \   \   3    3Note:…
题目大意 #!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # Date: 2018-08-30 """ https://leetcode.com/problems/symmetric-tree/description/ 101. Symmetric Tree Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). Fo…
Symmetric Tree Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you c…
101. Symmetric Tree My Submissions Question Total Accepted: 90196 Total Submissions: 273390 Difficulty: Easy 给定一颗二叉树,检查是否镜像对称(环绕中心对称) Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this bin…
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 给定一个二叉树,判断是否他自己的镜像对称的.(以自身中间,为镜像对称的) 例如羡慕这个二叉树就是对称的: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 但是下面这个就不是对称的: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 笔记: 如果你既能迭代的解决这个问题,又能递归的解决这个问题,那么将给你加分. ++++++++++++++++…
从简单的道题目開始刷题目: Symmetric Tree 题目:Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 题目分析: 第一道…
Leetcode 101. Symmetric Tree Easy Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree [1,2,2,3,4,4,3] is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following [1,2,2,null,3,nul…
100. Same Tree class Solution { public: bool isSameTree(TreeNode* p, TreeNode* q) { if(p == NULL && q == NULL) return true; else if(p == NULL || q == NULL) return false; if(p->val != q->val) return false; return isSameTree(p->left,q->l…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve it b…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 递归解法: /** * Definition for binary tree *…
Problem Link: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/symmetric-tree/ To solve the problem, we can traverse the tree level by level. For each level, we construct an array of values of the length 2^depth, and check if this array is symmetric. The tree is sym…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 /** * Definition for a binary tree node.…
题目来源 https://leetcode.com/problems/symmetric-tree/ Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). 题意分析 Input:一个二叉树 Output:True or False Conditions: 判断一个二叉树是不是对称的 题目思路 一一对应判断值是否相等,注意要清楚谁对应谁. AC代码(Python)…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3代码如下: /** * Definition for a binary tree n…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree [1,2,2,3,4,4,3] is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following [1,2,2,null,3,null,3] is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Not…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree [1,2,2,3,4,4,3] is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following [1,2,2,null,3,null,3] is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Not…
题目: Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve it b…
题目描述: Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 解题思路: 递归法 代码如下: /** * Definition fo…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve it b…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 题意就是给定一个二叉树,判定它是否是自己的镜像,这道题我一开始想着只求一下中序序列…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 中文:给定一二叉树,检查它是否是它自己的镜像(比如,以中心对称). 递归: pub…
题目: Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve…
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For example, this binary tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following is not: 1 / \ 2 2 \ \ 3 3 Note:Bonus points if you could solve it b…