一.Training of a Single-Layer Neural Network 1 Delta Rule Consider a single-layer neural network, as shown in Figure 2-11. In the figure, d i is the correct output of the output node i. Long story short, the delta rule adjusts the weight as the follow…
原文:https://medium.com/learning-new-stuff/how-to-learn-neural-networks-758b78f2736e#.ly5wpz44d This is the second post in a series of me trying to learn something new over a short period of time. The first time consisted of learning how to do machine…
1506.01186-Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks 论文中提出了一种循环调整学习率来训练模型的方式. 如下图: 通过循环的线性调整学习率,论文作者观察到的一种比较典型的曲线如下图: 图中,使用循环调整方式的模型,虽然训练中准确度有很大的波动,但是这种波动并不影像模型很快的收敛,并且以更快的速度收敛到了固定学习率或者学习率衰减方案中能达到的最高准确率. 这种方式需要设置的超参有三个, min bound,max bound…
前言 由于实验原因,准备入坑 python 机器学习,而 python 机器学习常用的包就是 scikit-learn ,准备先了解一下这个工具.在这里搜了有 scikit-learn 关键字的书,找到了3本:<Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python><Mastering Machine Learning With scikit-learn><scikit-learn Cookbook>,第一本是2013年出版…
Week 3 Quiz - Shallow Neural Networks(第三周测验 - 浅层神经网络) \1. Which of the following are true? (Check all that apply.) Notice that I only list correct options(以下哪一项是正确的?只列出了正确的答案) [ ]…
Link of the Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6632.pdf Main Points: The authors propose a multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks ( AlexNet/VGGNet + a multimodal layer + RNNs ). Their work has two major differences from these methods. Firstly, they inco…
In Week 6, you will be learning about systematically improving your learning algorithm. The videos for this week will teach you how to tell when a learning algorithm is doing poorly, and describe the 'best practices' for how to 'debug' your learning…
http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/article/details/44119187 机器学习Machine Learning - Andrew NG courses学习笔记 Machine Learning System Design机器学习系统设计 Prioritizing What to Work On优先考虑做什么 the first decision we must make is how do we want to represent x, that is…
在WEEK 5中,作业要求完成通过神经网络(NN)实现多分类的逻辑回归(MULTI-CLASS LOGISTIC REGRESSION)的监督学习(SUOERVISED LEARNING)来识别阿拉伯数字.作业主要目的是感受如何在NN中求代价函数(COST FUNCTION)和其假设函数中各个参量(THETA)的求导值(GRADIENT DERIVATIVE)(利用BACKPROPAGGATION). 难度不高,但问题是你要习惯使用MATLAB的矩阵QAQ,作为一名蒟蒻,我已经狗带了.以下代核心…