Android Activity返回键监听的两种方式 1.覆写Activity的OnBackPressed方法 官方解释: Called when the activity has detected the user's press of the back key. The default implementation simply finishes the current activity, but you can override this to do whatever you want.…
在android开发过程中,耗时操作我们会放在子线程中去执行,而更新UI是要主线程(也叫做:UI线程)来更新的,自然会遇到如何更新主线程UI的问题.如果在主线程之外的线程中直接更新页面显示常会报错.抛出异常:android.view.ViewRoot.CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. 为什么要有handler机制?h…