熟悉Mysql的同学应该都知道,Mysql查询的boolean结果将输出为0或者1. 比如: ; 其输出结果为1. 查阅mysql官方文档仅找到如下描述: 11.10 Using Data Types from Other Database Engines To facilitate the use of code written for SQL implementations from other vendors, MySQL maps data types as shown in the f…
更多相关文章,见本人的个人主页:zhongxiewei.com 变量 注释方式:// 注释在这里和/* 注释在这里 */ 整形变量的类型: Type Alias for Allowed Values sbyte System.SByte Integer between -2^7 and 2^7-1 byte System.Byte Integer between 0 and 2^8-1 short System.Int16 Integer between -2^15 and 2^15-1 ush…
/*设置自定义属性*/ var div=document.querySelector("#div1"); div.setAttribute("title","title"); div.getAttribute("title");//title /*字符串取整数或者浮点方法 */ var num1=parseInt("122bue");//122 var num2=parseFloat("122.1…
Props & PropTypes 1. Props "Props are the mechanism React uses to let components communicate with each other. A parent component can pass it’s child(ren) named prop values, which the child can then use in its internal logic." Ref[2] "Re…