>>> import os >>> path = '/Users/beazley/Data/data.csv' >>> # Get the last component of the path >>> os.path.basename(path) 'data.csv' >>> # Join path components together >>> os.path.join('tmp', 'data'…
这两天在写东西的时候遇到了这个问题,主要是上传图片之后,无法在页面展示,原因就出在用join 拼接的路径中出现了"\"而造成的. >>> import os >>> m = os.path.join('路径','文件名.txt') >>> m '路径\\文件名.txt' >>> m.replace('\\','/') '路径/文件名.txt' >>> m = os.path.join('路径','…
#encoding:utf-8import os,time#=======================查找手机设备序列号=============a='adb devices'b=os.popen(a).readlines()#print(b)l=[]for sn in b: if 'device' in sn and 'List' not in sn: a=sn.split('\t')[0] l.append(a)print(l) #手机序列号列表#====================…
#获取某文件夹下制定类型文件# import os# def filep(fp):# l=[]# a=os.walk(fp) #生成器# for nowp,sonp,oth in a: #当前目录,子文件夹(一级),其他文件费文件夹# for i in oth:# if os.path.splitext(i)[1]=='.py':#splitext分离路径和文件名# l.append(i)# return l# print(filep("D:\\1")) #==============…
os.path - Common pathname manipulations操作 This module implements some useful functions on pathnames. To read or write files see open(), and for accessing the filesystem see the os module. The path parameters can be passed as either strings, or bytes.…