From: I am working on getting the tool JNI4NET working so that I can use some Java code I have within my C# application. As a…
在unity3d 编辑器 MonoDevelop 中引用外部自定义dll文件报错:are you missing an assembly reference? 因为unity还停留在.NET Framework3.5,所以需要在Visual Studio项目中设置 或者选择 然后点击生成按钮,生成成功后,在目录下找到该dll文件 拷贝到unity工程目录 Assets/Plugins目录下, 在MonoDevelop工程中引用, 引用成功 注:有时候unity中这样处理了,但unity控制台这个…
Prerequisite:C++ 程序员,熟windows计划,熟Win32 Dll,了解windows注册表. 笔者:割者 上一篇文章中,我们定义了COM接口.通过编译生成了四个文件,本文使用这四个文件生成proxy/stub DLL.因为COM接口能够跨线程单元,跨进程.跨网络进行使用,因此,我们要解决一个參数数据传递的问题. proxy/stub DLL就是为了完毕这个任务,当然.使用类型库也能够完毕,这里不做讨论.这里主要是将通过proxy/stub DLL的方式.在COM中.这个过程成…
本文分两部分,第一部分是手动计划任务的方式构建Github上的Docker程序,第二部分是用Github webhook Trigger一个自动构建任务. Jenkins采用2.5版本Docker采用1.7.1代码托管使用的Github官网系统为IBM Bluemix提供的Cent6.7,服务器地址在美国南加州 1.1 创建一个Freestyle Project, let's say jenkins-docker 1.2 Set workplace to /var/lib/jenkins/job…
下面此方法加载程序集会导致程序集一直被占用 Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllPath); 解决方案: //通过此方法读取可以解决dll被占用问题 byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(dllPath); Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(fileData); 但此方法不会自动加载关联的程序集,暂未找到解决方案…
Everyone collects utilities, and most folks have a list of a few that they feel are indispensable.  Here's mine.  Each has a distinct purpose, and I probably touch each at least a few times a week.  For me, "util" means utilitarian and it means…
In the previous lab,you created a service and client from scratch without leveraging the tools available to WCF developers. Although this helps you to understand the raw requirements for sending messages between clients and services,in reality,develo…
网站首页 一个简单的例子: 1)      从这里下载binaries,然后解压缩. 2)      创建一个.net的console application. 3)      讲lib目录中的jni4net.n-和jni4net.j-分别拷贝到单独的目录和根目录. 4)      在项目中添加jni4net.n-0.…
1. Introduction. 1.1 Recently, a friend asked me for advise on a very unusual requirement. 1.2 He needs to replace all UUIDs in a COM DLL with new ones. 1.3 He does not have the source codes to the original COM server so any modifications will have t… MODULE BB DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY - DLL Part 1: STORY What do we have in this Module? Dynamic-Link Library and C Run-Time Story Differences Between Applications and DLLs Advantages of Using DLLs Type of DLLs Linking…