原文地址:http://blog.griddynamics.com/2011/06/understanding-gc-pauses-in-jvm-hotspots.html Stop-the-world pauses of JVM due to the work of garbage collector are known foes of java-based applications. HotSpot JVM has a set of very advanced and tunable gar…
Minor GC Young GC Full GC Major GC https://blog.csdn.net/chenleixing/article/details/46706039 内存划分为 Eden.Survivor 和 Tenured/Old 空间,如下图所示: 从年轻代空间(包括 Eden 和 Survivor 区域)回收内存被称为 Minor GC,对老年代GC称为Major GC,而Full GC是对整个堆来说的,在最近几个版本的JDK里默认包括了对永生带即方法区的回收(JDK…
http://www.importnew.com/15820.html https://plumbr.io/blog/garbage-collection/minor-gc-vs-major-gc-vs-full-gc Minor GC 会清理年轻代的内存. Major GC 是清理老年代的内存. Full GC 是清理整个堆空间—包括年轻代和老年代. 所有的 Minor GC 都会触发“全世界的暂停(stop-the-world)” 许多 Major GC 是由 Minor GC 触发的,所以…