博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/FoxDave 上一节讲了SharePoint Online网站多语言的实现原理机制,本节主要从编程的角度来谈一下如何进行相关的设置. 下面列出的代码函数方法在命令行中运行即可.至于Context如何获取可以参考我以前的blog. Site和List级别的国际化 首先咱们先创建一个测试List,如下代码: private static void CreateCustomList(ClientContext ctx, Web web) { L…
博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/FoxDave 上一节讲了如何通过Code的方式设置Site和List级别的国际化,本节介绍一下如何设置Content type和Site column级别的国际化.废话不多说了,还是以代码的方式带大家go through这个过程. Content type和Site column级别的国际化 跟之前一样,为了测试咱们先创建专用的Site column和Content type,需要把Site column添加到Content type,所…
博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/FoxDave This post will talk about how to enable sharepoint online site multilingual support. Below are the labels supported by SharePoint online when site language is changed. Site Title Site Description List Title List Desc…
Multi-lingual Support One problem with dealing with non-Latin characters programmatically is that, for characters with accents, there can be multiple ways of encoding the form. So, for the letter é, there are two encodings: a single combining charact…
转:http://www.sharepointblues.com/2010/09/01/sharepoint-security-and-permission-system-overview/ SharePoint Permission and Security Mechanisms From time to time, our customers ask us about how SharePoint security and permission features work, and how…
10 Skills Every SharePoint Developer Needs(原文) This blog post guides you through the essential skills for a successful SharePoint developer. Great SharePoint developers know how to use scripting, design, and drafting tools. They have knowledge of out…
描述 最近一个站点,需要开启搜索功能,然后创建内容源,开始爬网,发现列表里只有一部分被索引,很多项目没有被索引,甚是奇怪,如下图(其实列表里有80几条项目). 首先爬网账号是系统账号.服务器管理员,所以觉得账号权限不存在问题:毕竟SharePoint的搜索爬网,就是用当前账号的权限去爬网,展示的时候,再按照当前账号去过滤的. 然后想到的就是爬网规则,自己也没有设置过,试着把这个列表按照规则include进来,然后reindex后执行完全爬网,没用. 然后把列表reindex.站点reindex.…
[FROM:http://blog.mastykarz.nl/device-channels-sharepoint-2013/] One of the new features of SharePoint 2013 are Device Channels. Find out what they are, how they work and how you can leverage them in your solutions. Channels – it's all about the expe…
APPLIES TO: Oracle Inventory Management - Version: 11.5.9 to 11.5.10.CU2 - Release: 11.5 to 11.5 GOAL What is the supported approach for using the Import Item concurrent program (INCOIN) to create and update items for multiple languages? SOLUTION Per…
How Microsoft does SharePoint Governance for their internal platform english sources from:http://www.balestra.be/2012/04/how-microsoft-does-sharepoint-governance-for-their-internal-platform.html April 5th, 2012 | Posted by Marijn in community | Gover…
HP LoadRunner Readme for the Windows operating system Software version: 11.00 Publication date: October 2010 This file provides information about LoadRunner version 11.00. •What's New •Installation and Configuration Information •Notes and Limitations…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
Section 1: Overview Section 2: Installing Section 3: Configuring Section 4: Maintaining Section 5: Using Section 6: Customizing Section 7: Translating Section 8: Troubleshooting Appendix A: Migrating to Unicode Appendix B: Locale Data Section 1. Over…
This document provides guidance on how to make an informed decision in choosing between Windows Azure Web Sites, Cloud Services, and virtual machines to host a web application. Each of these services allows you to run highly scalable web applications…
Code Project精彩系列(转)   Code Project精彩系列(转)   Applications Crafting a C# forms Editor From scratch http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/SharpFormEditorDemo.asp 建立一个类似C#的环境, 实现控件拖拉,属性 Packet Capture and Analayzer 网络封包截获 http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/pa…
latex Table of Contents 1. Presentation/Slides with Beamer 2. Drawing in LaTex With TikZ 3. Tracked changes and comments with todonotes 4. Latex 4.1. nomenclature in article 4.2. section without number 4.3. page break 4.4. defining a new environment…
1,Hugo 简介 搭建个人博客有很多开源的博客框架,我们要介绍的框架叫作Hugo.Hugo 是一个基于Go 语言的框架,可以快速方便的创建自己的博客. Hugo 支持Markdown 语法,我们可以将自己的文章写成Markdown 的格式,放在我们用Hugo 创建的博客系统中,从而展示给他人. 2,Hugo 安装 在Windows 中安装 首先安装choco 包管理器,需要在管理员权限下运行cmd,执行如下命令,一般情况下,网络没有问题,即可安装成功: powershell -NoProfil…
起初的想法: intel 600p虽然速度一般,但pcie还是值得一试的.购买后发现原来的win7版本无法识别就找了KB2990941和KB3087873两个补丁,成功识别出了硬盘.期间通过dezoris的文章发现WGC5Y_2FR1DA00_W7SP1PRO64_ENG.iso这个iso自带识别此款nvme的驱动,而且是DELL官方的OEM激活版本,只是英文版,就想着怎样将其转为中文版. 转换方法: 虽然安装了UltraISO,但dezoris推荐的rufus工具非常好用,先将下载好的镜像写入…
Saiku是一个轻量级的OLAP分析引擎,可以方便的扩展.嵌入和配置.Saiku通过REST API连接OLAP系统,利用其友好的界面为用户提供直观的分析数据的方式,它是基于jQuery做的前端界面. Saiku成立于2008年,由Tom Barber和Paul Stoellberger研发.最初叫做Pentaho分析工具,起初是基于OLAP4J库用GWT包装的一个前端分析工具.经过多年的演化.重写之后,于2010年,改名为Saiku 它的用户界面完全可以自定义.它的界面是用HTML.CSS和J…
[本文转自]http://www.cnblogs.com/nopcommerce-b2c/p/3758676.html 前两节我们主要介绍了NopCommerce下载与安装和NopCommerce中文语言包,让大家体验一下NopCommerce.这次我们主要来介绍NopCommerce的功能与特点. NopCommerce被誉为.NET领域最好的电子商务网站,开源且免费(需在网站底部保留NopCommerce版权标识),如果感觉NopCommerce太碍眼也可以交个50刀去除版权限制. NopC…
50分钟学会Laravel 50个小技巧 时间 2015-12-09 17:13:45  Yuansir-web菜鸟 原文  http://www.yuansir-web.com/2015/12/09/50分钟学会laravel-50个小技巧/ 主题 Laravel 转载请注明:转载自 Yuansir-web菜鸟 | LAMP学习笔记 本文链接地址: 50分钟学会Laravel 50个小技巧 原文链接:< 50 Laravel Tricks in 50 Minutes by willroth >…
saiku版本:3.7.4 下面是修改步骤,如果觉得麻烦,可以直接下载源代码:https://github.com/lihehuo/saiku 1.关闭自动执行 修改文件:saiku-ui/js/saiku/Settings.js,下面是git代码对比 ERROR_TOLERANCE: , QUERY_PROPERTIES: { - 'saiku.olap.query.automatic_execution': true, + 'saiku.olap.query.automatic_execut…
前两节我们主要介绍了NopCommerce下载与安装和NopCommerce中文语言包,让大家体验一下NopCommerce.这次我们主要来介绍NopCommerce的功能与特点. NopCommerce被誉为.NET领域最好的电子商务网站,开源且免费(需在网站底部保留NopCommerce版权标识),如果感觉NopCommerce太碍眼也可以交个50刀去除版权限制. NopCommerce一直采用微软最前沿的技术(如ASP.NET MVC 5,Entityframework6,SQLServe…
上一篇分析了schema文件 [ http://www.cnblogs.com/avivaye/p/4877832.html] 在安装完毕Saiku后,由于是社区版本,所以界面上存在很多升级为商业版的文字. 这一篇就讲述下如何简化saiku的操作界面 1.去除查询页面的升级为商业版的提示 You are using Saiku Community Edition, please consider upgrading to Saiku Enterprise, or entering a spons…
在安装完毕Saiku后,由于是社区版本,所以界面上存在很多升级为商业版的文字.为了使得系统不那么碍眼,可通过如下方式更改来去除相应的内容: 1.去除查询页面的升级为商业版的提示 You are using Saiku Community Edition, please consider upgrading to Saiku Enterprise, or entering a sponsorship agreement with us to support development. info@me…
作者:史宁宁 如今的Clang,不不过一个编译器前端,同一时候也能够作为一个库使用.作为一个库使用的时候,能够用它去分析C/C++/ObjectC语言代码,能够分析源代码得到AST,也能够获取已经分析好的AST,也能够遍历AST,还能够获取AST中基本元素的物理源代码位置.这就是libclang. libclang提供了一系列的C语言的接口,可是这些接口并不能全然提供存储在Clang C++ AST中的全部信息,仅仅能提供部分基本信息,可是这些基本信息已经能够满足普通情况下的使用.主要目的是为了…
Config Config App Auth Cache Database Languages Mail Modules Routing Session Config Settings for the framework setup in app/Config.php Set the timezone to your local date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); Next, set the application web URL, Once…
This article from: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Develop OpenStreetMap isn't just open data - it's also open source, and you can help! There are two major areas where you can get involved: Developing the OpenStreetMap Platform - this includes th…
原文 How to write own add-in for SSMS 2012 (Final release version) Reading internet forums I have noticed that some developers want to experiment and write own add-ins for Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS). As far as there are enough samples for SSMS…
如何配置国际化资源文件? 1.Action范围资源文件:在Action类文件所在的路径建立名为ActionName_language_country.properties的文件: 2.包范围资源文件:在包的根路径下建立文件名为package_language_country.properties的属性文件,一旦建立,处于该包下的所有Action都可以访问该资源文件. 注意:包范围资源文件的baseName就是package,不是Action所在的包名. 3.全局资源文件: 3.1.命名方式:ba…