while (<STDIN>) { } # will read from standard input one line at a time foreach (<STDIN>) { } # will read everything from standard input before looping…
译者按: 惯用Haskell的我更爱map. 原文: JavaScript — Map vs. ForEach - What’s the difference between Map and ForEach in JavaScript? 译者: Fundebug 为了保证可读性,本文采用意译而非直译.另外,本文版权归原作者所有,翻译仅用于学习. 如果你已经有使用JavaScript的经验,你可能已经知道这两个看似相同的方法:Array.prototype.map()和Array.prototyp…
[Question]: TensorFlow has two ways to evaluate part of graph: Session.run on a list of variables and Tensor.eval. Is there a difference between these two? [Answer]: If you have a Tensor t, calling t.eval() is equivalent to calling tf.get_default_ses…
Both the HashMap and Hashtable implement the interface java.util.Map but there are some slight differences which has to be known to write a much efficient code. The Most important difference between HashMap and the Hashtable is that Hashtable is sync…
本文和大家重点讨论一下Perl foreach命令的用法,Perl foreach循环中控制变量的值会被Perl自动保存和恢复.当循环进行时,是没有办法改变其值的.循环结束时,变量的值会回到循环开始前,如果没有值则为undef. Perl foreach用法 Perl foreach从列表(数组)的第一个元素一直循环执行到最后一个元素,一次迭代一个.控制变量(本例中为$rock)每一次迭代从列表中取出一个新值.第一次为“bedrock”,第三次为“lava”.控制变量不是这些列表元素中的一个拷贝…
原文地址:http://demo.netfoucs.com/u011707076/article/details/44036839 前言 寒假回家到现在已经有十多天了,这些天回家不是睡就是吃....哎╮(╯▽╰)╭,今天早上一觉醒来,突然得知,UE4免费了,这绝对是个好消息,前不久我还在纠结怎么申请校园账号呢o(╯□╰)o.迫不及待打开电脑下载了UE引擎的一个类似管理的客户端,在里面最醒目的一栏,看到一个令人哭笑不得的导航,如下图: EPIC这是要逆天的节奏吗?不过不管他了,接下来,我们便一同学…
/* Author: Jiangong SUN */ I've already written an article introducing the usage of comparer here. In this article I'll compare the usage of IComparable and IComparer with examples. Important difference:  A class can have only one Comparable, but mul…
枚举部分 Enumeration part 使用枚举我们可以定义一些有名字的数字常量. 枚举通过 enum关键字来定义. Using enumerations, we can define some numeric constants with names. Enumeration is defined by the enum keyword. enum Direction { Up = 1, Down, Left, Right } 枚举是在运行时真正存在的一个对象,其中一个原因是因为这样可以从…
1. Detecting Performance Issues 2. Scripting Strategies 3. The Benefits of Batching 4. Kickstart Your Art 5. Faster Physics 6. Dynamic Graphics 7. Masterful Memory Management 8. Tactical Tips and Tricks 1. Detecting Performance Issues  The Unity Prof…
Spring Data JPA - Reference Documentation Oliver GierkeThomas DarimontChristoph StroblMark PaluchVersion 2.0.4.RELEASE,2018-02-19 © 2008-2016 The original authors. Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, p…