Still Hungry and unsutisfied, you are looking for more. Some more, unique un heard dishes. Then you can find one to make it your self. Its his Dish. He has his own website which is he describes as " a social home for each of our passions". The l…
One of the NullCon vidoes talked about a marvalous Russian Gift. The Vidoe was uploaded on [May of 2015] What is the ID of that youtube video. 这题还是 Google, 搜索:may 2015 nullcon, 找到一个 油管的地址?v=a4_PvN_A1ts, flag: a4_PvN_A1ts…
Dont blink your Eyes, you might miss it. But the fatigue and exhaustion rules out any logic, any will to stay awake. What you need now is a slumber. Cat nap will not do. 1 is LIFE and 0 is DEAD. in this GAME OF LIFE sleep is as important food. So...…
Your simple good Deeds can save you but your GREED can kill you. This has happened before. This greedy person lived a miserable life just for the greed of gold and lust. You must know him, once you know him, you must reach his capital and next clues…
So you reached Delhi and now the noise in your head is not allowing you to think rationally. The Nosise in your head has origin its Origin in your Stomach. And this is a big hunger. You can finish one or probably 2 Tandoori Chicken. So where can you…
Conducting Interview is not cheap and costs both time and money to a company. It take a lot of time to find the right candidate for a job from 100s resume you receive from consultants and agents. They will always tell you that this guy is a Java Guru…
Programming Question: Convert an IPv4 address in the format of null-terminated C string into a 32-bit integer.For example, given an IP address “”, the output should be a 32-bit integer with “172” as the highest order 8 bit, 168 as the seco…
1. Jump Game Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Determine if you are able to reach the last index. For…
一.指令集架构: 指令集架构(英语:Instruction Set Architecture,缩写为ISA),又称指令集或指令集体系,是计算机体系结构中与程序设计有关的部分,包含了基本数据类型,指令集,寄存器,寻址模式,存储体系,中断,异常处理以及外部I/O.指令集架构包含一系列的opcode即操作码(机器语言),以及由特定处理器执行的基本命令. 指令集体系与微架构(一套用于执行指令集的微处理器设计方法)不同.使用不同微架构的电脑可以共享一种指令集.例如,Intel的Pentium和AMD的AM…
不展示Using default security password的解决办法: import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import; import…