2297: Carryon的字符串 Time Limit: C/C++ 1 s      Java/Python 3 s      Memory Limit: 128 MB      Accepted: 11      Submit: 24 Submit My Status Problem Description Carryon最近喜欢上了一些奇奇怪怪的字符,字符都是英文小写字母,但奇怪的是a可能比b小,也可能比b大,好奇怪.与此同时,他拿到了好多的字符串,可是看着很不顺眼,因为他们很乱,所以他…
487-3279 Time Limit: 2000MS        Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 309257        Accepted: 55224 Description Businesses like to have memorable telephone numbers. One way to make a telephone number memorable is to have it spell a memorable wor…
一. 题目 487-3279 Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 274040   Accepted: 48891 Description Businesses like to have memorable telephone numbers. One way to make a telephone number memorable is to have it spell a memorable word or…
题目链接 描述 Given a list of phone numbers, determine if it is consistent in the sense that no number is the prefix of another. Let's say the phone catalogue listed these numbers: Emergency 911 Alice 97 625 999 Bob 91 12 54 26 In this case, it's not possi…
487-3279 Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 309235   Accepted: 55223 Description Businesses like to have memorable telephone numbers. One way to make a telephone number memorable is to have it spell a memorable word or phras…
Problem Description Carryon最近喜欢上了一些奇奇怪怪的字符,字符都是英文小写字母,但奇怪的是a可能比b小,也可能比b大,好奇怪.与此同时,他拿到了好多的字符串,可是看着很不顺眼,因为他们很乱,所以他想将这些字符串按字典序从小到大排下序,这样就好看多了.由于a可能比b小,也可能比b大,这样按常规方法肯定是不行的,幸运的是他破解了26个字母的大小顺序,这样他就开开心心的将字符串从小到大排序了. Input 第一行输入26个字符的大小顺序 第二行输入一个n(1≤n≤105).…
Description We all use cell phone today. And we must be familiar with the intelligent English input method on the cell phone. To be specific, the number buttons may correspond to some English letters respectively, as shown below: 2 : a, b, c    3 : d…
题目链接:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=4917 题意:每一个单词都一些tips单词. 先输入n个单词和他们的tips.然后m组查询,每次查询一些单词.按字典序输出这些单词的公有tips.(每一个单词都都仅仅包括小写大写字母) 思路:对第i个单词.用vector数组g,g[i]来存这个单词的全部tips.对于全部单词建立字典树.在单词的结尾结点存好该单词的tips在g数组中存的一维下标i.最后用map来计数每…
题目链接 Problem Description Bob has a dictionary with N words in it. Now there is a list of words in which the middle part of the word has continuous letters disappeared. The middle part does not include the first and last character. We only know the pr…
1095 Anigram单词 基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 10 难度:2级算法题  收藏  关注 一个单词a如果通过交换单词中字母的顺序可以得到另外的单词b,那么定义b是a的Anigram,例如单词army和mary互为Anigram.现在给定一个字典,输入Q个单词,从给出的字典中找出这些单词的Anigram.   Input 第1行:1个数N,表示字典中单词的数量.(1 <= N <= 10000) 第2 - N + 1行,字典中的单词,单词长度 <= …