20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Seventh Week Summary of Key Concepts A tree is a nonlinear structure whose elements are organized into a hierarchy. The order of a tree specifies the maximum number o…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Ninth Week Summary of Key Concepts A heap is a complete binary tree in which each element is greater than or equal to both of its children. Adding an element to a hea…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Fifth Week Summary of Key Concepts A collection is an object that gathers and organizes other objects. Elements in a collection are typically organized by the order o…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Second Week Summary of teaching materials Searching is the process of finding a designated target within a group of items or determining that it doesn't exist. An eff…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The First Week Summary of teaching materials Algorithm analysis is the basic project of the computer science. Increasing function prove that the utilization of the time a…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Eleventh Week Summary of Key Concepts In hashing, elements are stored in a hash table, with their location in thetable determined by a hashing function. The situation…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Tenth Week Summary of Key Concepts An undirected graph is a graph where the pairings representing the edges are unordered. Two vertices in a graph are adjacent if the…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Eighth Week Summary of Key Concepts A binary search tree is a binary tree in which, for each node, the elements in the left subtree are less than the parent, and the…
20182320<Program Design and Data Structures>Learning Summary Week9 1.Summary of Textbook's Content 1.1 Chapter 15:Tree 1.1.1 Concept of Tree: 'Tree' is a data sturcture,which is non-linear. It consists of nodes and edges. 1.1.2 Some important concep…
Coursera课程<Python Data Structures> 密歇根大学 Charles Severance Week6 Tuple 10 Tuples 10.1 Tuples Are Like Lists 元组是另外一种序列,它的方法和list挺像的.它的元素也是从0开始计数. >>> x = ('Glenn', 'Sally', 'Joseph') >>> print(x[2]) Joseph >>> y = (1, 9, 2)…