Week5 The Transport layer is built on the Internetwork layer and is what makes our network connections reliable. Technology: Internets and Packets 新年好!( ̄▽ ̄) coursera address Layer1: Link Keywords: Packet, Shared Network, Layered Network Model, Link L…
Week5 Now, I want to make it real clear that, when I give you a 15 minute video of an amazing inventor and computer scientist, you don't have to remember every word that that person says. Okay? it's more important to get the gist of it. I try to cove…
Abstract 课程名称:互联网的历史.技术和安全 coursera地址 制作方:密歇根大学(University of Michigan) 教师:Charles Severance, Associate Professor, School of information coursera页面: 以下是渣翻译 课程简介:技术和网络对我们生活,文化,和社会的影响继续增加.过去的六十年,得益于网络设施的基础建设,你可以在任何有网络的地方选修这门课.在一个以信息为中心的世界,我们需要了解网络技术的工作…
Internet History,Technology and Security(简单记录) First Week High Stakes Research in Computing,and Communication 二战期间,需要有效快速的方式联系盟国,进而意味着通信方式需要便捷以及快速. 但是无线通信难以物理隐藏,需要利用code(应该是密码)来加密解密,也就产生了相应的计算需求,数学则是其中重要的工具. 为了破解这类code,选择借助于计算机,从最早的机械计算机(mechanical c…
时间飞逝,一周又过去了,这周我们来到了Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 2)的学习,从标题就可以看出,这周主要是介绍“互联网”雏形的诞生.Supercomputers Justify a National Network”介绍了网络诞生的背景和网络的发展.“The First ‘Internet’”则通过三位与其相关的知名人物从不同的角度来讲述早期网络诞生背后的故事 History Through Supercomputing 在美国…
课程网址:https://www.coursera.org/learn/internet-history 学习笔记: Week 1: History - Dawn of Early Computing (1940 - 1960) War Time Computing and Conmmunication - High Stakes Research in Computing, and Communication 二战刺激了政府对各种科技的研究投入,由此促进了计算机技术的发展,其中就包括电子计算机…
Week 2 History: The First Internet - NSFNet Welcome to week 2! This week, we'll be covering the history of the first internet: NSFnet. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a great deal of research done to build the first wide-area packet switched networ…
Week 9 Security: Web Security We are now on the second to last week of the class and finishing up our look at Internet Security. You can also see the final exam and its due date. The due date of the final exam signals the end of the class. This week,…
Week5 Technology: Internets and Packets Welcome to Week 5! This week, we’ll be covering internets and packets. The Internet is designed based on a four-layer model. Each layer builds on the layers below it. The Link and Internetwork layers are the lo…
前言: 之前都在学习Internet的历史,从这周开始,进入到了Internet技术的学习. Layer1: Link Introduction / The Link Layer 80年代之前,主流网络的还是Store and Forward Networking(存储转发网络),但是由于其在数据处理方面延时较大,无法应用于条件严苛的军事领域,故军方出力研究出了ARPANET——一个典型的packet switch network(分组交换网络). ARPANET给出了一个不一样的网络:Shar…
前言: 第一次进行课程学习,在反复观看视频和查找字典翻译理解后选出了视频中个人认为较重要的概念,以下并不按照逐句翻译,中文概括大意余下自由发挥,对老师想要告诉我们的历史有一个初步的了解,顺便锻炼以下英文阅读理解能力...... War Time Computing and Communication: High Stakes Research in Computing, and Communication We're going to start at the dawn of electroni…
Week 4 History: Commercialization and Growth We are now moving into Week 4! This week, we will be covering commercialization and growth. The late 1990's saw the web and Internet used increasingly to revolutionize how business was done. Companies like…
Week7 Technology: Application Protocols This week, we’ll be covering application protocols. With reliable “pipes” available from the Transport layer, we can build applications like web browsers, file transfer applications, or email clients and server…
Week ⑨ We are now on the second to last week of the class and finishing up our look at Internet Security. You can also see the final exam and its due date. The due date of the final exam signals the end of the class. This week, we'll be covering web…
Week 8 This week we start two weeks of Internet Security. It is a little technical but don't worry - we stay at a very high level and I am confident that if you are still keeping up with the class that you will enjoy these next two weeks. You won't k…
Week7 With reliable "pipes" available from the Transport layer, we can build applications like web browsers, file transfer applications, or email clients and servers. Technology: Application Protocols coursera address Layer 4: Applications Keywo…
Week6 The Internet is desinged based on four-layer model. Each layer builds on the layers below it. The Link and Internetwork layers are the lowest layers of that model. Technology: Transport Control Protocol(TCP) coursera address Transport/Reliabili…
Week4. We are now moving into Week 4! This week, we will be covering commercialization and growth. The late 1990's saw the web and Internet used increasingly to revolutionize how business was done. Companies like Amazon were founded and grew very rap…
Week3. Welcome to week 3! This is our fourth and final week of History where we make the connection from those early innovations of the modern Internet we are using for this class. Up next we move into looking at how the Internet works on the inside.…
Week2. History: The First Internet - NSFNet coursera address Supercomputers Justify a National Network Keywords: leased line, Supercomputer center, Store and forward networks, ARPANET, BITNET, packet switching, router, NSF, Larry Smarr History Throug…
Week 8 Security: Encrypting and Signing This week we start two weeks of Internet Security. It is a little technical but don't worry - we stay at a very high level and I am confident that if you are still keeping up with the class that you will enjoy…
Week 7 Technology: Application Protocols Welcome to Week 7 of IHTS. This week has less material than other weeks. I like to think of it as a "seventh inning stretch" - where you get a little breather. This week wraps up the three weeks of "…
Week 5 Technology: Internets and Packets Welcome to Week 5! This week, we'll be covering internets and packets. The Internet is designed based on a four-layer model. Each layer builds on the layers below it. The Link and Internetwork layers are the l…
Week 3 History: The Web Makes it Easy to Use Welcome to week 3! This is our fourth and final week of History where we make the connection from those early innovations of the modern Internet we are using for this class. Up next we move into looking at…
Week6 Technology: Transport Control Protocol(TCP) Welcome to Week 6 of IHTS. We are in our second week of the more technical bits of the course. I try to keep the technical bits interesting and not go into too much detail.This week, we’ll be covering…
前言: 上周学习了<电子计算机的曙光>,对战时及战后的计算机的历史发展有了更丰富的了解,今天继续coursera的课程,感觉已经有点适应了课程的节奏(除了经常有些奇奇怪怪的词汇看都看不懂@#¥%),嗯. Supercomputers Justify a National Network: History Through Supercomputing 70年代开始的时候,只有少数幸运的人才能用上电传打字机,就像视频中使用的一样.那时候的数据传输还依靠leased line(租用线路)来实现,和拨…
Week1. History: Dawn of Electronic Computing War Time Computing and Conmmunication Keywords: Electronic Computing, wartime communication, cryptography, Bletchley Park, Alan Turing, machenical computer, electronic computer. high statkes reserch in com…
Week 6 Technology: Transport Control Protocol (TCP) Welcome to Week 6 of IHTS. We are in our second week of the more technical bits of the course. I try to keep the technical bits interesting and not go into too much detail. This week, we'll be cover…
Week 5 (续) Layer 2: Internet Protocol The InterNetwork (IP) 老师强调了一下不用去记住他介绍的人所说的每句话,而是记住要点,了解老师所做的PPT的内容,所以贴图介绍5-1最后的Ethernet的发明人Robert的基本介绍: 老师说只是想让我们知道smart people做cool的事,并不需要我们明白一切事= =(心情放松了一些).接下类讲Link Layer. 想象一下,大约又20000~50000名工程师花了将近20年时间来指出如何…
Week 1 History: Dawn of Electronic Computing Welcome to Week 1! This week, we'll be covering the early history of electric computing. World War II emphasized the strategic importance of computation, communication, and information. There was unprecede…