Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct】的更多相关文章

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba” and k = 2, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 这道题是之前那道Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters的拓展…
Given a string S, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most two distinct characters.For example,Given S = “eceba”,T is “ece” which its length is 3. 这道题给我们一个字符串,让我们求最多有两个不同字符的最长子串.那么我们首先想到的是用哈希表来做,哈希表记录每个字符的出现次数,然后如果哈希表中的映射数量超过两…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-with-at-most-two-distinct-characters/ 题目: Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most 2 distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba”, T is "ece"…
A simple variation to "Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters". A typical sliding window problem. class Solution { public: int lengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(string s, int k) { unordered_map<char, unsigned> hm; , start =…
Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most 2 distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba”, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 分析: 最多包含两个不同字母的子串,至少…
Difficulty: Hard  More:[目录]LeetCode Java实现 Description Given a string S, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most two distinct characters.For example,Given S = “eceba”,T is "ece" which its length is 3. Intuition 方法一:假设有一个…
Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most 2 distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba”, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 可与Longest Substring…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba” and k = 2, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 题意: 给定字符串,求至多包含K种字符的最长子串 思路: 跟[leetcode]159. Longest Substring wi…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-with-at-most-k-distinct-characters/ 题目: Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba” and k = 2, T is "ec…
Given a string s , find the length of the longest substring t  that contains at most 2 distinct characters. Example 1: Input: "eceba" Output: 3 Explanation: tis "ece" which its length is 3. Example 2: Input: "ccaabbb" Output:…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba” and k = 2, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 的拓展,1…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = "eceba" and k = 2, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 我的做法:维护一个window,r移动到超出k distinct character限制是更新max,然后移动…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most 2 distinct characters. For example, Given s = "eceba", T is "ece" which its length is 3. 给一个字符串,求这个字符串中,由两个字母组成的,连续的最长子串的长度. 虽然是hard,但是感觉并没有什么难度. 用ch1和pre…
Given a string S, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most two distinct characters.For example:Given S = “eceba”,T is “ece” which its length is 3. 给定字符串S,找到最长子字符串T的长度,最多包含两个不同的字符. 例如: 给定S = “eceba”, T是“ece” ,长度为3. class Soluti…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most k distinct characters. For example, Given s = "eceba" and k = 2, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 给定一个字符串,找出包含最多k个不同字符的最长子字符串t的长度. 例如,给定s=“eceba”和k=2, T是…
Given a string s , find the length of the longest substring t  that contains at most 2 distinct characters. Example 1: Input: "eceba" Output: 3 Explanation: t is "ece" which its length is 3. Example 2: Input: "ccaabbb" Output…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring T that contains at most 2 distinct characters. For example, Given s = “eceba”, T is "ece" which its length is 3. 用p1 & p2 两个pointer分别纪录当前window里两个character最后一次发生时的index,用start纪录window开…
[抄题]: 给定一个字符串,找到最多有k个不同字符的最长子字符串.eg:eceba, k = 3, return eceb [暴力解法]: 时间分析: 空间分析: [思维问题]: 怎么想到两根指针的:从双层for循环的优化 开始分析 [一句话思路]: [输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不合法不合理的输入): [画图]: [一刷]: 没有养成好习惯:退出条件写在添加条件之前.因此先判断if (map.size() == k),再map.put(c,1) [二…
Given a string s , find the length of the longest substring t  that contains at most 2 distinct characters. Example 1: Input: "eceba" Output: 3 Explanation: tis "ece" which its length is 3. Example 2: Input: "ccaabbb" Output:…
Given a string, find the longest substring that contains only two unique characters. For example, given "abcbbbbcccbdddadacb", the longest substring that contains k unique character is "bcbbbbcccb". 分析: 用hashmap记录每个character从start到当前位置…
This is a question needs pay for , I have no money to pay ,so just write some test case by myself. If you read this blog , and you hava pay for the LeetCode ,and you have test my program , please tell me that wheather is works, thank you. This idea i…
最后更新 二刷 08-Jan-2017 和76.159很像.. 2 pointers.. 通过判断是否每一次是有效读取来增减accumulator,从而判断当前是否符合规定,再来更新maxLength Time: O(n) Sapce : O(1) public class Solution { public int lengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(String s, int k) { if (s.length() == 0 || k == 0) return…
最后更新 二刷 08-Jan-17 回头看了下一刷的,用的map,应该是int[256]的意思,后面没仔细看cuz whatever I was doing at that time.. wasnt good 做法和LC 76非常像,用2 Pointers + 计数来判断是否满足. 这里"有效读取"的判断标准变成了 count[s.charAt(someIndex)]是否从0递增,和每个循环最后它是否递减回0,以此判断dinstinct是否有变化,其实这个比76的有效读取要稍微好理解一…
找到最多含有两个不同字符的子串的最长长度.例如:eoeabc,最长的是eoe为3,其他都为2. 思路: 用p1,p2表示两种字符串的最后一个出现的下标位置.初始p1为0. p2为-1.start初始化为0,表示两种字符串的开头. 只要遍历一次string就可以得到结果了. 首先我们要确定p2的值,那么i要一直到不等于s[p1]的值为止,那么位置就是p2了. 然后继续往后如果来一个字符等于之前两种的其中一种,那么就要更新最后一次出现的下标.根据是谁就更新谁. 如果是新的字符了,那么就要更新star…
Find the length of the longest substring T of a given string (consists of lowercase letters only) such that every character in T appears no less than k times. Example 1: Input: s = "aaabb", k = 3 Output: 3 The longest substring is "aaa"…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest subst…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: "abcabcbb" Output: 3 Explanation: The answer is "abc", with the length of 3. Example 2: Input: "bbbbb" Output: 1 Explana…
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the lengt…
Find the length of the longest substring T of a given string (consists of lowercase letters only) such that every character in T appears no less than k times. Example 1: Input: s = "aaabb", k = 3 Output: 3 The longest substring is "aaa"…
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: "abcabcbb" Output: 3 Explanation: The answer is "abc", with the length of 3. Example 2: Input: "bbbbb" Output: 1 Explana…