
概述 个人认为线性代数从三个角度,或者说三个工具来阐述了线性关系,分别是: 向量 矩阵 空间 这三个工具有各自的一套方法,而彼此之间又存在这密切的联系,通过这些抽象出来的工具可以用来干一些实际的活,最为直接的就是解方程组,进一步衍生出来最小二乘法等等. 这一部分主要讲了三个工具的各自的一些基本方法,以及用其解方程组的一套理论.另外,由于是总结,就不按照课程的顺序,而且各点之间都有穿插. 向量(Vector) 对于向量而言,大部分与中学一致,基本的就不说了,关注重点. 线性相关性 线性相关性用于描…
At the beginning, the difference between rank and dimension: rank is a property for matrix, while dimension for subspaces. So we can obtain the rank of A, which reveals dimensions of four subspaces(2 from A, 2 from AT). Important fact: The row space…
Independence: The columns of A are independent when the nullspace N (A) contains only the zero vector. Example1: 1. If three vectors are not in the same plane, they are independent. No combination of V1, V2, V3 in Figure 3.4 gives zero except 0V1 + 0…
Special Solutions: Notice what is special about s 1 and S2. They have ones and zeros in the last two components. Those components are "free" and we choose them specially. Then the first components -2 and -3 are determined by the equation Ax = 0.…
Vector Space: R1, R2, R3,R4 , .... Each space Rn consists of a whole collection of vectors. R5 contains all column vectors with five components. This is called "5-dimensional space". The great thing about linear algebra is that it deals easily w…
1. Linear Combination Two linear operations of vectors: Linear combination: 2.Geometric Explainations 2D case 3D case:for 3 vectors u,v,w,the important questions are the common answers are: 3. From Linear Equations to Linear Combinations: a.Row pictu…
线性回归, 这部分算是我最为擅长的了, 真的不吹, 6年经验, 我高中时代就已经会推导了, 当然是最最小二乘法和统计学(假设检验, 参数分布等)的角度. 后来上了大学, 又是从最小二乘和统计学角度, 最终呢, 还是从线性代数(向量投影) 和 微积分 角度 + 代码实现给整了一遍, 再后来就是ML, 撸了一遍梯度下降, 嗯, 整体感悟就是,对一个事物的认知, 需要一个时间的过程和实践. 正如古人所讲, 纸上来得终觉浅, 绝知此事要躬行. 回归模型 数据: \((y_i, X_{i1}, X_{i2…
一.机器学习 有关机器学习领域的最佳介绍,请观看Coursera的Andrew Ng机器学习课程. 它解释了基本概念,并让你很好地理解最重要的算法. 有关ML算法的简要概述,查看这个TutsPlus课程“Machine Learning Distilled”. “Programming Collective Intelligence”这本书是一个很好的资源,可以学习ML 算法在Python中的实际实现. 它需要你通过许多实践项目,涵盖所有必要的基础. 这些不错的资源你可能也感兴趣: Perer…