『Python题库 - 填空题』Python笔试填空题 part 1. Python语言概述和Python开发环境配置 part 2. Python语言基本语法元素(变量,基本数据类型, 基础运算) part 3. Python中的程序控制结构 (Python if判断,for和while循环相关知识点) part 4. Python中的代码复用(Python函数相关知识点) part 5. Python面向对象编程(类,异常,库) part 6. Python文件操作 part 1…
Date:2018-05-08 1.Given: an array containing hashes of names Return: a string formatted as a list of names separated by commas except for the last two names, which should be separated by an ampersand. Example: namelist([ {'name': 'Bart'}, {'name': 'L…