Edit Video】的更多相关文章

Vsco: the app function is very basic. To what extent. That is to say, there are several more options than the adjustment function in the image processing of the mobile phone. You can adjust the dark angle and highlight. To put it simply, it is simila…
UPDATE you might need edit few files. 1. add the input field to the tpl file: /templates/frontend/yourcolor/upload_video.tplname the field as description <div class="separator"><label for="description">Description:</labe…
https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/CoreImaging/ci_tasks/ci_tasks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001185-CH3-TPXREF101 Processing images means applying filters-an image filter is a piece of software that…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Intel_graphics_processing_units Comparison of Intel graphics processing units From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     This page contains information about Intel's GPUs and motherboard graphics chipsets in…
Applications http://www.freeopensourcesoftware.org/index.php?title=Applications   Main Page > This page collects good FOSS applications -- user-facing software.  Please make sure software you add has current development and user communities - any siz…
最近机房挪机柜,网线拔拔插插,又在虚拟机上配置了网卡的各项设置,其中一个虚拟机的网站这两天经常无法访问, 于是关注了一下虚拟机的“事件”,发现另外一个跳转网站的警告: 于是去vmware的官网上找到了一下内容: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&externalId=1014593 Resolution This warning is reported when the virtual mach…
Creating an animated GIF picture from photos or video with Adobe Photoshop is easy, but not everyone owns a copy of Photoshop, in fact, using a free utility to make a GIF is more easy and efficient. To convert a video to GIF format with an online ser…
# Exploit Title: Microsoft Windows (CVE-2019-0541) MSHTML Engine "Edit" Remote Code Execution Vulnerability # Google Dork: N/A # Date: March, 13 2019 # Exploit Author: Eduardo Braun Prado # Vendor Homepage: http://www.microsoft.com/ # Software L…
KindEditor是一套开源的HTML可视化编辑器,主要用于让用户在网站上获得所见即所得编辑效果.不仅结构小巧,而且功能强大,最主要的是它采用插件的开发管理方式,能很容易再它的基础上添加插件来实现自己的功能.但是他支持flash和embed插入视频,公司的需求是插入video视频,有MP4远程视频地址.webm远程视频地址.缩略图远程地址: 1.KindEditor插件开发(官网有个小例子,好吧,还能再小点吗?) 基本上添加一个插件要做这几部: 在下载的 KindEditor/long/zh_…
Introduction Introduction Asphyre Sphinx is a cross-platform framework for developing 2D/3D video games and interactive business applications. It aids the developer with resource management, displaying real-time graphics and text, handle keyboard, mo…