The Middle English word was Affrike非洲】的更多相关文章

Africa (n.) Latin Africa (terra) "African land, Libya, the Carthaginian territory, the province of Africa; Africa as a continent," fem. of adjective Africus, from Afer "an African," a word of uncertain origin. The Latin word originally…
affrike 英文单词,含义是非洲,非洲大陆. 中文名:非洲 外文名:affrike 目录 释义 affrike noun名词 非洲,也用做africa 1.Word Origin and History for africa,English word was Affrike. [1] 2.Affrike, p.337 - (Africa) "Whenever Chaucer mentions Africa, he is refering to the northern coast of th…
Etymology finance From Middle English finaunce, a surety bond.A supply of money or goods. With thy bloud precious our finaunce thou did pay Lamentation of Mary Magdelene who proclaims: "dethe is my Finaunce," a metaphor suggesting that life itse…
watch As a noun, from Middle English wacche, Etymology As a noun, from Middle English wacche,See below for verb form. Noun watch (plural watches) 1.A portable or wearable timepiece. [quotations ▼] More people today carry a watch on their wrists than…
exchange From Middle English eschaunge, borrowed from Anglo-Norman eschaunge exchange 1.An act of exchanging or trading. All in all, it was an even exchange of cattle for grain 2.A place for conducting trading. The stock exchange is open…
Word List 词汇 Square  英 [skweə]  美 [skwɛr]  adj. 平方的:正方形的:直角的:正直的. 使成方形:与…一致 vi. 一致:成方形 n. 平方:广场:正方形 adv. 成直角地 To the front of the station Tianfu Square  前方到站天府广场 acquire 英 [ə'kwaɪə]  美 [ə'kwaɪr]  vt. 获得:取得:学到:捕获 "The Legend of Zelda: The Wilderness&q…
中文名称阿非利加洲(全称) 外文名称Africa 别 名Affrike 行政区类别洲 下辖地区北非.东非.西非.中非.南非 地理位置东濒印度洋,西临大西洋,北至地中海,南至好望角 面 积3022万平方千米(包括附近岛屿) 人 口12.2655亿(截止到2016年) 气候条件热带沙漠气候.热带草原气候.热带雨林气候 著名景点东非大裂谷.帝王谷.金字塔.撒哈拉沙漠等 主要国家埃及.南非.肯尼亚.尼日利亚 语 言阿拉伯语.英语.法语等 著名岛屿马达加斯加岛 人口密度40.58人/km2 代表性多文化…
中文名称:阿非利加洲(全称) 外文名称:Africa 别 名:Affrike 行政区类别洲 下辖地区北非.东非.西非.中非.南非 地理位置:东濒印度洋,西临大西洋,北至地中海,南至好望角 面 积:3022万平方千米(包括附近岛屿) 人 口:12.2655亿(截止到2016年) 气候条件热带沙漠气候.热带草原气候.热带雨林气候 著名景点东非大裂谷.帝王谷.金字塔.撒哈拉沙漠等 主要国家埃及.南非.肯尼亚.尼日利亚 语 言阿拉伯语.英语.法语等 著名岛屿马达加斯加岛 人口密度40.58人/km² 代…
Open the Registry Editor, by: Clicking Start, and clicking Run. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box, type Regedit. In Registry Editor, select the following registry key for the first instance of SQL Server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Mi…
第一部分  通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀一) 1.a- ①加在单词(形容词)或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric [ə'sentrik] a  无中心的(a+centric中心的) asocial [ei'səuʃəl] a 不好社交的(a+social好社交的) amoral [ə'mɔrəl] a  非道德性的(a+moral道德的:注意:immoral不道德的) apolitical. [,eipə'litikəl]  a 不关政治的(a+political政治的)…