A nonrecursive list compacting algorithm Each Erlang process has its own stack and heap which are allocated in the same memory block and grow towards each other. When the stack and the heap meet, the garbage collector is triggered and memory is recla…
def permutationN(n): a=[None]*n for i in range(n): a[i]=i+1 sum=1 for j in range(n): sum*=(j+1) i=0 for k in range(sum): # If you want to use stack #a[i:i+2]=swapStack(a[i],a[i+1]) a[i:i+2]=[a[i+1],a[i]] print(a) i+=1 if i==(n-1): i=0…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…
这篇BLOG是我很早以前写的,因为现在搬移到CNBLOGS了,经过整理后重新发出来. 工作之前的几年一直都在搞计算机安全/病毒相关的东西(纯学习,不作恶),其中PE文件格式是必须知识.有些PE文件,比如驱动,系统会在加载时对checksum进行校验,确保驱动文件的完整性.关于PE文件如何校验,网上有很多资料可以学习,这里有一篇文章<An Analysis of the Windows PE Checksum Algorithm>是对WINDOWS API CheckSumMappedFile…
Sept. 10, 2015 Study again the back tracking algorithm using recursive solution, rat in maze, a classical problem. Made a few of mistakes through the practice, one is how to use two dimension array, another one is that "not all return path returns va…