mac上eclipse用gdb调试 With its new OS release, Apple has discontinued the use of GDB in OS X. Since 2005 Apple has steadily been moving away from the GNU toolchain in favor of LLVM. This means that Xcode now uses LLDB instead. LLDB looks to be a very nic…
转自: Begin iOS 2014-08-19 271 阅读 手机 Android 小米 mac 调试 在 Mac OSX 下做 Android 真机测试的时候,发现 Android Device Chooser 里,小米手机的状态显示为 unknown.但是手机的 USB 调试已经打开了.难道是因为驱动的问题?然而小米并没有提供 Mac 下的驱动程序. 注:小米手机打开 USB 调试模式的方法——在“关于手机”里,连续…