[Hapi.js] Using the response object】的更多相关文章

When you use reply method: let resp = reply('hello world') It actually return an response object. By using response object, you can modiy the response's status code, header, cookie, type and so on... server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler:…
js中new和Object.create()的区别 var Parent = function (id) { this.id = id this.classname = 'Parent' } Parent.prototype.getId = function() { console.log('id:', this.id) }; var Child = function (name) { this.name = name this.classname = 'Child' } Child.proto…
js动态参数作为Object的属性取值var myObj = {"a":1,"b":2};var a = 'a';myObj[a] 就可以获取到 属性a的值了…
JS中==.===和Object.is()的区别 首先,先粗略了解一下这三个玩意儿: ==:等同,比较运算符,两边值类型不同的时候,先进行类型转换,再比较: ===:恒等,严格比较运算符,不做类型转换,类型不同就是不等: Object.is()是ES6新增的用来比较两个值是否严格相等的方法,与===的行为基本一致. 下面分别详细说明一下这三个玩意儿: 1.先说===,这个比较简单,只需要利用下面的规则来判断两个值是否恒等就行了: 如果类型不同,就不相等 如果两个都是数值,并且是同一个值,那么相等…
1, 参数是一个对象,核心js对象(native ECMAScript object)或宿主对象(host object),那么将直接返回该对象. 其生成的对象构造器仍然是所传参数对象的构造器.这样造成的后果是虽然该对象是new Object,但其constructor不一定是Object. 复制代码 代码如下: function Person(){this.name='jack';} var w = new Object(window), d = new Object(document), p…
js arrow function return object bug filterData: { type: Object, default: () => {}, required: true, }, OK filterData: { type: Object, default: () => ({}), required: true, }, test app = () => {}; () => {} app(); undefined app = (a) => {K: a};…
hapi's reply interface is one of it's most powerful features. It's smart enough to detect and serialize objects, buffers, promises and even streams. This post will demonstrate first hand how to use the reply method to send your data to the client, no…
本文转自:https://www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com/2017/04/build-image-manager-nativescript-node-js-minio-object-storage-cloud/ When building a mobile application, there are often scenarios where you need to storage files remotely and when I say files, I don’…
hapi has built-in support for parsing cookies from a request headers, and writing cookies to a response, making state management easy and straight-forward. It even has built in support for cookie encryption and auto detects when a cookie contains JSO…
hapi supports request validation out of the box using the joi module. Request path parameters, payloads, and querystring parameters can be validated with joi's simple, 'use strict' const Hapi = require('hapi') const Joi = require('joi') const server…