1. slim.arg_scope(函数, 传参) # 对于同类的函数操作,都传入相同的参数 from tensorflow.contrib import slim as slim import tensorflow as tf @slim.add_arg_scope # 进行修饰操作 def fun1(a=0, b=0): return a + b with slim.arg_scope([fun1], a=2): x = fun1(b=2) print(x)# 4 2. tf.name_sc…
一.tf.nn.dynamic_rnn :函数使用和输出 官网:https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/dynamic_rnn 使用说明: Args: cell: An instance of RNNCell. //自己定义的cell 内容:BasicLSTMCell,BasicRNNCell,GRUCell 等,,, inputs: If time_major == False (default), this must be a Ten…
eclipse调试debug时出现source not found 在代码中设置了断点,程序调试过程中可以继续运行使用断点,但是看不见程序走到哪了,debug页面出现source not found,出现这个原因是因为代码运行中没有找到相应的类,添加上就行了. 解决办法: 点击页面上的 edit source look up path,删除default,add-->java project,添加自己的web项目,这时候你会发现源码刚开始可以进入debug,但是一闪而过,此时关掉tomcat或者…
Debugging TensorFlow models Symbolic nature of TensorFlow makes it relatively more difficult to debug TensorFlow code compared to regular python code. Here we introduce a number of tools included with TensorFlow that make debugging much easier. Proba…
一.garchFit函数的参数--------------------------------------------- algorithm a string parameter that determines the algorithm used for maximum likelihood estimation. 设定最大似然估计所用的算法 cond.dist a character string naming the desired conditional distribution. Va…