题意: 给出n个串,求一个最短的第一个串的子串使它不在其他的n-1个串中出现,若有多个求字典序最小的. Limits: • 1 ≤ T ≤ 42. • 2 ≤ N ≤ 50000. • N ≤ S1 + S2 + · · · + SN ≤ 250000. • the sum of Si in all test cases doesn’t exceed 3 × 106 . Sample Input 3 2 aba bab 3 qnu cvbb bnu 3 a aa aaa Sample Outpu…
/** 题目:hdu6007 Mr. Panda and Crystal 链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6007 题意:魔法师有m能量,有n种宝石,有些宝石给定了用魔法变出它需要的能量,以及该宝石可以卖出的价钱. 有些宝石没有给出,给出k个方程,表示某些宝石可以通过另外一些宝石合成. 求魔法师最多可以卖出多少钱. 思路: 处理方程,最短路求出所有的宝石用能量变出的最小能量值. 然后完全背包. */ #include<iostream>…
2018 China Collegiate Programming Contest Final (CCPC-Final 2018)-K - Mr. Panda and Kakin-中国剩余定理+同余定理 [Problem Description] \[ 求解x^{2^{30}+3}=c\pmod n \] 其中\(n=p\cdot q\),\(p\)为小于\(x\)的最大素数,\(q\)为大于\(x\)的最小素数,\(x\)为\([10^5,10^9]\)内随机选择的数.\(0< c<n\).…
Mrs. Panda’s birthday is coming. Mr. Panda wants to compose a song as gift for her birthday. It is known that Mrs. Panda does not like a song if and only if its lyrics contain Xvowels in a row, or Y consonants in a row (Otherwise, Mrs. Panda likes th…