# sudo service iptables start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start iptables.service Failed to issue method call: Unit iptables.service failed to load: No such file or direc…
编译自:作者: Aun Raza原创:LCTT译者: wi-cuckoo转载地址: PHP7 为了改善执行效率与内存占用,新的版本添加了PHPNG功能. 引入了JIT引擎来动态编译Zend操作码为自然机器码,以此来达到更快…
FROM: Opera is an modern web browser with modern style with powerful features. Its Off-Road mode compresses pages for faster, all-conditions browsing. It helps you stay online when…
简介 很多童鞋不懂这么在Linux系统安装MySQL,网上大多数教程较复杂,不太适合小白安装,本教程提供一键安装脚本供大家使用,教大家怎么在Linux操作系统( 支持CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora/Arch Linux)下快速安装MySQL(支持5.1/5.2/5.4/5.6/5.7/6.0/8.0版本),方便快速,提升学习.工作效率! 下载 MySQL5.1~8.0安装包下载地址 链接:…
环境:一台带外网和内网的机器,另一台只有内网,默认不能上网.两台机器都是centos系统带外网机器的外网ip为, 内网ip为内网机器的内网ip为设置方法很简单:1. 在带外网的机器上设置iptables规则:iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to 如果想让整个内网的机器全部上网,只需要把 -s…
I installed CentOS 7 with minimal configuration (os + dev tools). I am trying to open 80 port for httpdservice, but something wrong with my iptables service ... what's wrong with it? What am I doing wrong? # ifconfig/sbin/service iptables save bash:…
由于搭建了CDH-Hadoop,方便起见,事先关闭了防火墙: services iptables stop; chkconfig iptables off; services ip6tables stop; chkconfig ip6tables off; 但是发现reboot以后,iptables仍然启动,最后发现,原来是自己以前按照鸟哥的说法制作了iptables.rule, 并在/etc/rc.local启动项里,加载了此脚本导致(笨笨.....)…
Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google Inc. Google Chrome team proudly announced the release of Google Chrome 35 on May 20, 2014. The actual version is 35.0.1916.114 for Linux/Mac OS X and Windows operating system. This new versi…
Skip to end of metadata Added by Internal, last edited by Internal on Aug 25, 2014 Go to start of metadata 1. Install Server Backup Manager using YUM | 2. Install the Server Backup Manager manually using rpm | 3. Configure and start the Server Backup…
Yum is a package management tool for installing, updating and removing rpm packages on RedHat-based systems. When you try to install a package withyum command, you may encounter errors for various reasons. In this post, I will describe under what sit…