Java Concurrency - invokeAny & invokeAll】的更多相关文章

Running multiple tasks and processing the first result A common problem in concurrent programming is when you have various concurrent tasks that solve a problem, and you are only interested in the first result of those tasks. For example, you want to…
粗略看完<Java Concurrency in Practice>这部书,确实是多线程/并发编程的一本好书.里面对各种并发的技术解释得比较透彻,虽然是面向Java的,但很多概念在其他语言的并发编程中,也可以用到.因此,开始写下其读书笔记,归纳总结. 闲话少说,从第十章开始,先上思维导图: 本章的重点,是死锁以及死锁的分析和避免方法. 10.1.1 锁的顺序产生死锁: public class WorkerThread implements Runnable{ private LeftRigh…
The Java concurrency API provides a class that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations are made. It's the CountDownLatch class. This class is initialized with an integer number, which is the number of operations the threads are g…
The Java concurrency API provides a synchronizing utility that allows the synchronization of two or more threads in a determined point. It's the CyclicBarrier class. This class is similar to the CountDownLatch class, but presents some differences tha…
One of the most complex and powerful functionalities offered by the Java concurrency API is the ability to execute concurrent-phased tasks using the Phaser class. This mechanism is useful when we have some concurrent tasks divided into steps. The Pha…
Usually, when you develop a simple, concurrent-programming application in Java, you create some Runnable objects and then create the corresponding Thread objects to execute them. If you have to develop a program that runs a lot of concurrent tasks, t…
One of the advantages of the Executor framework is that you can run concurrent tasks that return a result. The Java Concurrency API achieves this with the following two interfaces: Callable: This interface is similar to the Runnable interface. It has…
转: 在这个小结里面重点讨论原子操作的原理和设计思想. 由于在下一个章节中会谈到锁机制,因此此小节中会适当引入锁的概念. 在Java Concurrency in Practice中是这样定义线程安全的: 当多个线程访问一个类时,如果不用考虑这些线程在运行时环境下的调度和交替运行,并且不需要额外的同步及在调用方代码不必做其他的协调,这个类的行为仍然是正确的,那么这个类就是线程安…
1. java.util.concurrent概述 JDK5.0以后的版本都引入了高级并发特性,大多数的特性在java.util.concurrent包中,是专门用于多线并发编程的,充分利用了现代多处理器和多核心系统的功能以编写大规模并发应用程序.主要包含原子量.并发集合.同步器.可重入锁,并对线程池的构造提供了强力的支持. 原子量,是定义了支持对单一变量执行原子操作的类.所有类都有get和set方法,工作方法和对volatile变量的读取和写入一样. 并发集合,是原有集合框架的补充,为多线程并…
  主要谈谈锁的性能以及其它一些理论知识,内容主要的出处是<Java Concurrency in Practice>,结合自己的理解和实际应用对锁机制进行一个小小的总结. 首先需要强调的一点是:所有锁(包括内置锁和高级锁)都是有性能消耗的,也就是说在高并发的情况下,由于锁机制带来的上下文切换.资源同步等消耗是非常可观的.在某些极端情况下,线程在锁上的消耗可能比线程本身的消耗还要多.所以如果可能的话,在任何情况下都尽量少用锁,如果不可避免那么采用非阻塞算法是一个不错的解决方案,但是却也不是绝对…