原地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/twinsclover/archive/2012/04/26/2471704.html 序言 之前用python爬取网页的时候,一直用的是regex或者自带的库sgmllib里的SGMLParser.但是遇到复杂一点的情况时,SGMLParser往往就不那么给力了!(哈,难道说我 too native了?毕竟beautifulSoup是继承sgmlparser的么~)所以,我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅,发现了BeautifulSoup这么个玩意.Bea…
百度到<金庸小说全集 14部>全(TXT)作者:金庸 下载下来,然后读取内容with open('names.txt') as f: data = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] novels = data[::2] names = data[1::2] novel_names = {k: v.split() for k, v in zip(novels, names)} //可以在这里打印下看是不是都读取过 //开始分词并加载 for _,…
Edited by Markdown Refered from: John Ladd, Jessica Otis, Christopher N. Warren, and Scott Weingart, "Exploring and Analyzing Network Data with Python," The Programming Historian 6 (2017), https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/exploring-an…
In [2]: import requests In [3]: s = requests.Session() In [4]: s.headers 如果你是爬虫相关的业务?抓取的网站还各种各样,每个服务器的地址都不一样,那么你不适用于我上面的方法,而是需要把Connection给关闭. 当然还是看场景. 多方调试下. r = requests.post(url=url, data=body, headers={‘Connection’:'close’}) headers = {'Conte…
在python中,一切都是对象!对象由类创建而来,对象所拥有的功能都来自于类.在本节中,我们了解一下python基本数据类型对象具有哪些功能,我们平常是怎么使用的. 对于python,一切事物都是对象,对象基于类创建 一.整数:int 类源码分析 整数如:1,2,3... 2147483647 class int(object): """ int(x=0) -> int or long int(x, base=10) -> int or long Convert…
BeautifulSoup是一个专门用于解析html/xml的库.官网:http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ 说明,BS有了4.x的版本了.官方说: Beautiful Soup 3 has been replaced by Beautiful Soup 4. You may be looking for the Beautiful Soup 4 documentation Beautiful Soup 3 only works on Pyt…