An Easy Introduction to CUDA C and C++】的更多相关文章

An Easy Introduction to CUDA C and C++ This post is the first in a series on CUDA C and C++, which is the C/C++ interface to the CUDA parallel computing platform. This series of posts assumes familiarity with programming in C. We will be running a pa…
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Caliburn.Micro Xaml made easy Introduction When my “Build Your Own MVVM Framework” talk was chosen for Mix10, I was excited to have the opportunity to show others what we had been doing in Caliburn in a simplified, but powerful way. After giving the…
CUDA C++编程手册(总论) CUDA C++ Programming Guide The programming guide to the CUDA model and interface. Changes from Version 10.0 Use CUDA C++ instead of CUDA C to clarify that CUDA C++ is a C++ language extension not a C language. General wording improve…
simple and common parallel algorithm building block is the all-prefix-sums operation. In this chapter, we define and illustrate the operation, and we discuss in detail its efficient implementation using NVIDIA CUDA. Blelloch (1990) describes all-pref…
-------------------paper--------------------- 一种基于GPU并行计算的MD5密码解密方法 0.abstract1.md5算法概述2.md5安全性分析3.基于GPU的爆破3.1GPGPU3.2CUDA3.3implementation4性能对比 -----------------presentation------------------ [Code] Section 0:Introduction of MD5, and its application…
自然语言处理NLP快速入门 [导读]自然语言处理已经成为人工智能领域一个重要的分支,它研究能实现人与计算机之间用自然语言进行有效通信的各种理论和方法.本文提供了一份简要的自然语言处理介绍,帮助读者对自然语言处理快速入门. 作者 | George Seif 编译 | Xiaowen An easy introduction to Natural Language Processing Using c…
Theano – CPU/GPU symbolic expression compiler in python (from MILA lab at University of Montreal) Torch – provides a Matlab-like environment for state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms in lua (from Ronan Collobert, Clement Farabet and Koray Kavu…
Deep Learning Libraries by Language Tweet         Python Theano is a python library for defining and evaluating mathematical expressions with numerical arrays. It makes it easy to write deep learning algorithms in python. On the top of the Theano man…
AMP:Automatic mixed precision,自动混合精度,可以在神经网络推理过程中,针对不同的层,采用不同的数据精度进行计算,从而实现节省显存和加快速度的目的. 在Pytorch 1.5版本及以前,通过NVIDIA出品的插件apex,可以实现amp功能. 从Pytorch 1.6版本以后,Pytorch将amp的功能吸收入官方库,位于torch.cuda.amp模块下. 本文为针对官方文档主要内容的简要翻译和自己的理解. 1. Introduction…