My first python script for work】的更多相关文章

使用Jython结合java和Python开发功能时,要是遇到如下情况: 2016-03-10 16:16:49 DEBUG [com.freedom.orion.configs.JyhtonConfig] python script home:/Users/fs/Desktop/pythonScript File "", line 14 Date/Time: 2016-03-10 14:42:22.493 +0800 ^ SyntaxError: no viable alternat…
打开httpd.conf,找到”#ScriptInterpreterSource Registry “,移除前面的注释# (如果找不到这行,就自己添加进去) 找到“Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ”这句,在后面加上”ExecCGI “.(那个”Indexes “最好也能去掉,因为如果不去掉的话,目录下面没有index.html这种文件,就会显示出目录列表下的所有文件,所以有安全漏洞问题.如果去掉Indexes,而且没有index.html文件的话,就会显示一个For…
最近在做一个项目,涉及到大量的HTML.CSS代码的编写,手动写代码效率实在 是低下.于是想搜索一下,有没有Notepad++插件可以支持自动生成的,果不其然还真有.Emmet,这款神器其实就是 Zen Coding 的升级版,它可以极大的提高代码编写的效率,并提供了一种非常简练的语法规则,立刻生成对应的 HTML 结构或者 CSS 代码,同时还有多种实用的功能帮助进行前端开发. Emmet支持多种编辑器,如Sublime Text 2,TextMate 1.x,Eclipse/Aptana,E…
如果要在 rc.local 呼叫 python script python script 的位置需使用絕對路徑 其 python script 裡的有關 file 的位置也需使用 絕對路徑 如果要在 rc.local 呼叫建立 file file 的位置需使用絕對路徑 rc.local 位在 /etc 下 rc.local touch test #--- 沒有生效 touch ./test #--- 沒有生效 touch /etc/test #--- 生效 ..... ..... python…
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """The script is to check whether NE is in syncfail, if it is syncfail, login into CIPS to get login. """import paramikoimport sshimport osimport reimport timeimport appdirsimpor…
If you have several versions of Python installed, /usr/bin/env will ensure the interpreter used is the first one on your environment's $PATH. The alternative would be to hardcode something like #!/usr/bin/python; that's ok, but less flexible. In Unix…
Python scripts can be executed by passing the script name to the python command or created as executable commands that can run stand-alone. You’ll learn how to create both in this lesson. print("Hello World") When we want to run the s…
How can I launch an external python process from Excel 365 VBA on OSX? It took me a while, but I figured out how to do it. Excel 2016 has replaced MacScript() with AppleScriptTask(). This needs to be given an AppleScript file and function to call, an…
I write it yesterday to watch the NE process(rcpfd,cfgd) automatically, then i will write a window to implement it: #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import paramikoimport sshimport osimport reimport time#RCPD异常类class RCPD_Exception(Exce…
#!/usr/bin/env python import urllib2 import json import argparse def authenticate(url, username, password): values = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'user.login', 'params': { 'user': username, 'password': password }, ' } data = json.dumps(values) req =…