Install CentOS 7 on Thinkpad t430】的更多相关文章

- BIOS settings: - Thinkpadt430, BIOS settings: Config---------------------------- Network: wake on LAN: AC Only, Ethernet LAN option ROM:Enable USB: usb UEFI BIOS Support: Disabled always on usb: enabled always on usb charge in off mode: disabled us…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Tools]-NO.4.Tools.1.VM.1.001-[VMware Workstation PRO 12 Install CentOS 7.1]- Style:Tools Date:2017-04-07 Total Hours:1 Degree Of Diffculty:low-2 Degree Of Mastery:frequently-1 Practical Level:A-1 Desired Goal:centos Archieve Goa…
no ifconfig yum install net-tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CentOS 7中没有ifconfig命令,而且不能发现eth0 2014-09-02 14:31:45|  分类: Linux |  标签:cent…
mysqldump --add-drop-table -uroot -p123456 jit >/extra_disk/jit.sql sudo npm install -g node-gyp sudo npm install node-gyp@0.10.6 npm uninstall -g  node-gyp cp glib-2.38.2.tar.xz libav-11.1.tar.gz libav-11.7.tar.gz libnice-0.1.4.tar.gz libvpx-v1.0.0.…
I have learnt some experience about Big Data during my summer vocation,I was told that The first thing to start Big Data is to install a Linux system on my laptop,that is what I'm going to discuss about.The system which I have used was CentOs 6.5,bes…
bios必须设置u盘为第一启动项 编辑E:\EFI\BOOT\grub.cfg中所有inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=*与卷标名称一致(区分大小写)(linux系统写入镜像无需修改) inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 安装ntfs-3g centos7中yum安装ntfs-3g 安装Chrome浏览器 yum install……
Thanks for Must(QQ ID)'s big help for installing Houdini in CentOS7. - download HOUDINI_FX_V12.5.371_LINUX_X64_GCC44-XFORCE - unzip and untar to /home/user0/tools/sidefx/HOUDINI_FX_V12.5.371_LINUX_X64_GCC44-XFORCE - setup $su #/home/user0/tools/sidef… centos mirror:  注意匹配正确的版本,  /ect/yum.conf How to install yum on a Virtual Server Contents But I DO have yum already, and I AM on CentOS I don't have yum…
//slurm install //CentOS 7 system // node01 // node02 systemctl stop firewalld.service systemctl disable firewalld.service systemctl disable NetworkManager systemctl stop NetworkManager sed -i '7 s/enforcing/disabled/' /…