There's no question, HTML5 is a hot topic for developers. If you need a crash course to quickly understand the fundamentals of HTML5's functionality, you're in the right place. Editorial Note This article is in the Product Showcase section for our sp…
十分钟入门less(翻译自:Learn lESS in 10 Minutes(or less)) 注:本文为翻译文章,因翻译水平有限,难免有缺漏不足之处,可查看原文. 我们知道写css代码是非常枯燥的,尤其是写重复颜色.样式的代码,这需要我们付出很多努力来保持css代码可维护,但是它本不应该是这样的. 很幸运地是,web开发社区已经解决了这个问题,我们在现在已经有了类似与less.sass和stylus这样的预处理器.它们有很多优于一般的css之处,如下所示: 变量---以至于我们可以在样式表中…
Learn X in Y minutes Where X=clojure Get the code: learnclojure.clj Clojure is a Lisp family language developed for the Java Virtual Machine. It hasa much stronger emphasis on purefunctional programming thanCommon Lisp, but includes severalSTM utilit…
原文地址: Learn Lua in 15 Minutes more or less For a more in-depth Lua tutorial, watch this video or check out a transcript of the video. -- Two dashes start a one-line comment. --[[ Adding two ['s and ]'s makes it a mu…
This tutorial is available as a short ebook. The e-book features extra content from follow-up posts on various Python best practices, all in a convenient, self-contained format. All future updates are free for people who purchase it. Preliminary fluf…
一篇非常好的文章,解释了python基本语法的方方面面: # Single line comments start with a hash. """ Multiline strings can be written using three "'s, and are often used as comments """ #################################################### ## 1. P… C++ is a systems programming language that, according to its inventor Bjarne Stroustrup, was designed to be a “better C” support data abstraction support object-oriented programming support generic programming Th… What is Go Programming Language? Go, developed by Google in 2009, is a programming language that provides support for features such as garbage collection, type safety, and dynamic types, to name a few. It is o…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表 [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
目录 IDE IntelliJ IDEA 简体中文专题教程 MySQL 21分钟MySQL入门教程 MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理 NoSQL Disque 使用教程 Neo4j .rb 中文資源 Redis 命令参考 Redis 设计与实现 The Little MongoDB Book The Little Redis Book 带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 代码 带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 8.2.3 中文文档 Pos…
1.无开发经验,初学python 如果你不会其他语言,python是你的第一门语言: A Byte of Python (简明python教程,这个有中文版简明 Python 教程)是非常好的入门教程. Learn Python the Hard Way (Zed Shaw的免费教程,个人强烈推荐) Python, Django and Flask教程: Real Python (收费,需购买) short 5 minute video 解释了为什么你的出发点应该是要完成什么项目,或者解决什…