基于DM9000C的原厂代码修改dm9000c的驱动程序. 首先确认内存的基地址 iobase. 确定中断号码. 打开模块的初始化函数定义. 配置内存控制器的相应时序(结合DM9000C.C的手册). 程序代码: /* dm9ks.c: Version 2.08 2007/02/12 A Davicom DM9000/DM9010 ISA NIC fast Ethernet driver for Linux. This program is free software; you can redi…
What does "size" in int(size) of MySQL mean? https://alexander.kirk.at/2007/08/24/what-does-size-in-intsize-of-mysql-mean/ Friday, August 24th, 2007 at 21:40 +0000 (UTC) by Alexander Kirk I was always wondering what the size of numeric columns i…
环境:MySQLdb openpyxl模块 python去zabbix的mysql数据库中取交换机不同时间段的进出口流量,然后写入excel中,每天cron执行,每周四邮件发送.(代码中第一行必须加上,不然crontab执行不了,或者在crontab时指明环境变量) #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import MySQLdb import time from datetime import datetime from datetim…