Exchange - Add Owner of Distribution Group】的更多相关文章

User Interface: Open Exchange Management Console. Expand Microsoft Exchange On-Premises, then right click Recipient Configuration, click Find... in popup menu. Input group name, then click Find Now. Double click the result. Then click Group Informati…
注:命令行小写部分表出需要根据自己的情况改变!! a)激活SDSF资源类 SETROPTS CLASSACT(SDSF) b)查看SDSF资源类的PROFILE RLIST SDSF * c)如果不存在GROUP.ISFUSER.servername的PROFILE,则需要定义, RDEFINE SDSF (GROUP.ISFUSER.servername) OWNER(userid or group name) UACC(READ) 这样,所有用户都可以有读取权限,就都可以访问SDSF了 附1…
转载请注明出自天外归云的博客园: 实现过程:在本地创建一个local user并将该user添加到Administrators组中,然后在SharePoint指定site中添加该user,并赋予Full Control的权限. 脚本如下: function AddUserToSPSite { param($siteUrl,$userName,$pwd,$fullName,$dspt) #Create a local user a…
相信做oracle开发和管理的朋友对sort肯定不会陌生,大家通常都遇到这样那样的排序性能问题,所以我写这一系列关于sort的文章告诉大家在oracle里面sort是怎么一回事以及如果调整sort获得更好的性能. 首先,我们来回顾一下什么情况下需要sort,当取distinct值的时候需要,当进行merge join的时候也需要,当语句包含group by,order by的时候需要,当创建索引的时候需要等等.那么我们来看一下在oracle里面排序分为哪几种方式呢? 一.SORT UNIQUE…
Overview In this article, I’ll talk about your options when it comes to managing Group Policy using PowerShell. To be sure, depending upon your needs, Group Policy is nearly a full citizen in the world of PowerShell-based management. I’ll talk about…
Add the Log on as a service Right to an Account Updated: August 8, 2008 Applies To: Windows Server 2008 You can use this procedure to add the Log on as a service right to an account on your computer. Membership in the local Administrators group, or e…
SYNOPSIS ALTER GROUP groupname ADD USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname DROP USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname RENAME TO newname DESCRIPTION 描述 ALTER GROUP 用于修改一个用户组. 头两个形式从组中增加或者删除用户. 只有数据库超级用户才能使用这条命令.向组中增加用户并不创建用户. 同样从组中删除用户也不删除…
ansible之group模块 group模块是用来添加或者删除组 首先使用ansible-doc来查看用法 [root@note0 ansible]# ansible-doc -s group - name: Add or remove groups group: gid: # Optional `GID' to set for the group. local: # Forces the use of "local" command alternatives on platform…
//distinct使用 public List<String> distinctDutyDate() { String hql="select distinct(dutyDate) from DoctorDuty"; Query query=getSession().createQuery(hql); List list= query.list(); Iterator it= list.iterator(); List<String> list1=new Ar…
linux 命令中英文对照,收集   linux 命令英文全文 Is Linux CLI case-sensitive? The answer is, yes. If you try to run LS instead of ls, it would display an error. There are some advantages of using a case-sensitive command line. The computers that existed in earlier de…