
代码片段: sql_url = "select * from webpage where url = '%s'" % b try: cursor.execute(sql_url) results = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: print e pass 系统:centos 语言:python 报错信息: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual…
query = query.Where(c => c.MfcKey==temp); int hhho = query.Count(); query = from q in query join par in pf.GetList() on q.ArtID equals par.ArtID orderby par.ATime descending select par; 关于这个SELECT 因为select筛选前对QUEry赋值并给定义了实体类,所以在select后我不能给她定义匿名类,定义的类…
一个简单的查询,如果参数中有中文.如下: <select id="xxxx" resultType="hashmap"> select * from talbe_a a where a.kpeople = ${name} </select> 报错: org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQ…
MySQL报错详细日志 2019-09-12 16:42:29 [http-nio-80-exec-25] DEBUG [] - Translating SQLException with SQL state '42000', error code '1064', message [You have an error in your SQL syntax;…
SSH项目,访问jsp页面出现报错,控制台显示报错信息: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: unexpected token: * near line 1, column 8 [select * from tb_chaper where course_id = 2]; nested exception is org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpect…
用mybaits 写一个关联查询 查询商品表关联商品规格表,并查询规格表中的数量.价格等,为了sql重用性,利用 association 节点 查询 结果并赋值报错 商品表的mapper文件为GooodsMapper.xml 规格表的mapper 文件为GoodsSpecificationsMapper.xml java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mapped Statements collection does not contain value for m…
1:报错  关键字 sql_mode=only_full_group_bymysql> select uuid,ip,count(*) from dbname_report.t_client_ips group by uuid limit 1;ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'dbname_report.t_cl…
本博客介绍oracle select in超过1000条数据的解决方法,java框架是采用mybatis的,这可以说是一种比较常见的错误:select * from A where id in(...),oracle官方函数做了限定,in里的参数只能1000个,所以超过1000个参数就会报错,解决方法是将集合分为每个集合1000的小集合,然后用or拼起来select * from A where id in(1,2,...,1000) or id in (1001,1002,2000)...,好…
mysql5.7执行sql语句报错:In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'yunva_changke.u.user_id'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by 1.方法1,需要重启mysql服务 编辑/etc/my.cnf文件,加入如下参数,重启mysql sql_m…
mybatis查询mysql,group by分组查询报错:Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column mysql版本是5.7 1.导致出错的sql语句是: <select id="findScNumByTime" parameterType="…