原文:解决IIS7运行ASP提示错误:An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator 在WINDOWS7或SERVER2008上安装了IIS7,调试ASP程序时出现以下错误: An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system admini…
PHPExcel解决内存占用过大问题-设置单元格对象缓存 PHPExcel是一个很强大的处理Excel的PHP开源类,但是很大的一个问题就是它占用内存太大,从1.7.3开始,它支持设置cell的缓存方式,但是推荐使用目前稳定的版本1.7.6,因为之前的版本都会不同程度的存在bug,以下是其官方文档: PHPExcel uses an average of about 1k/cell in your worksheets, so large workbooks can quickly use up…
将下面文件保存为"解决内存不能为Read的批处理命令.cmd"双击运行即可 for %%1 in (%WinDir%\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %%1 for %%1 in (%WinDir%\system32\*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %%1 …
解决SVN Cleanup时遇到错误信息:Cleanup failed to process the following paths:xxxxxxx Previous operation has not finished: run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted Please execute the 'Cleanup' command. 大喵多康 2016-10-14 10:39:07 暂未开通评论功能 提交或更新SVN文件时,提示需要先执行Clean up,但在…