格式化log输出 oneline --oneline标记将每个commit压缩成一行. 默认情况下显示一个commit ID和commit描述的第一行. 输出如下: 0e25143 Merge branch 'feature' ad8621a Fix a bug in the feature 16b36c6 Add a new feature 23ad9ad Add the initial code base decorate 许多时候知道commit是和哪一个分支或tag关联的是非常有用的.…
In the last lesson, we learned how to format the git log output; in this lesson we will learn how to filter down to a specific set of commits. By default, git log shows every commit in a repo. We will walk through using a bunch of options to filter o…
When running the git log command, we can pass in options as arguments toformat the data shown for each commit. In this lesson, we show how to use the oneline, decorate, graph, stat, and p options with git log. Show it oneline: git log --oneline git l…