和Hadoop交互的四种方法: 1. Native Libraries 2. Hive 3. Pig 4. Cascading At a high level, people use the native Hadoop libraries to achieve the greatest performance and have the most fine-grained control. Pig is somewhere between the very SQL-like, database l…
安装hadoop启动之后总有警告:Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-Javaclasses where applicable 原因:Apache提供的hadoop本地库是32位的,而在64位的服务器上就会有问题,因此需要自己编译64位的版本. 解决方法: 一. 去网站:http://dl.bintray.com/sequenceiq/sequenceiq-bin/ 下载对应的编译版本,…
概览 这个新手教程描写叙述了native(本地?原生?)hadoop库,包括了一小部分关于native hadoop共享库的讨论. This guide describes the native hadoop library and includes a small discussion about native shared libraries. 注意: 依据你的环境,词组 "native libraries" 可能会变成 *.so,这样你就须要编译.然后,要是词组 "na…
JNI Tips In this document JavaVM and JNIEnv Threads jclass, jmethodID, and jfieldID Local and Global References UTF-8 and UTF-16 Strings Primitive Arrays Region Calls Exceptions Extended Checking Native Libraries 64-bit Considerations Unsupported Fea…