Targeted learning methods build machine-learning-based estimators of parameters defined as features of the probability distribution of the data, while also providing influence-curve or bootstrap-based confidence internals. The theory offers a general…
Machine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical machine learning tasks are concept learning, function learning or “predictive modeling”, clustering and finding predictive patterns. These… How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea… How do I learn mathematics for machine learning? Promoted by Time Doctor Software for productivity tracking. Time tracking and productivity improvement software with screenshots…
In this post we take a tour of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is useful to tour the main algorithms in the field to get a feeling of what methods are available. There are so many algorithms available and it can feel overwhelming whe…
转自:机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料 <Brief History of Machine Learning> 介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机.神经网络.决策树.SVM.Adaboost到随机森林.Deep Learning. <Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview> 介绍:这是瑞士人工智能实验室Jurgen Schmidhuber写的最…