日常运维过程中,可能发现OGG同步进程延迟很高: 本篇介绍其中的一种方式. OGG复制进程,或者说同步进程及通过解析ogg trail文件,输出dml语句,在目标库执行dml操作,那么延迟高可能性其一.执行dml操作效率太低. 本篇不考虑并发过高或其它原因. 本次只考虑是执行update or delete的时候SQL效率执行太差! 导致OGG复制进程延迟很高. GGSCI > info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt…
iostat, from the excellent sysstat suite of utilities, is the go-to tool for evaluating IO performance on Linux. It's obvious why that's the case: sysstat is very useful, solid, and widely installed. System administrators can go a lot worse than taki…