How To Add Swap on Ubuntu 14.04】的更多相关文章 How To Add Swap on Ubuntu 14.04 PostedApril 28, 2014 597.9kviews GETTING STARTED LINUX BASICS SERVER OPTIMIZATION UBUNTU   Introduction One of the easiest way of increas…
How To Add Swap on Ubuntu 12.04 Aug 17, 2012  Linux Basics Ubuntu   About Linux Swapping Linux RAM is composed of chunks of memory called pages. To free up pages of RAM, a “linux swap” can occur and a page of memory is copied from the RAM to preconfi…
打算学习kafka ,接触一些新的知识.加油!!! 参考: 这篇文章也不错,翻译的: Introduction Apache Kafka is a popular distrib…
本文博客链接: 吐槽:ubuntu系统真是让人又爱又恨,也有可能是VMware Workstation Pro虚拟机的原因:同一个版本的ubuntu系统在Oracle VM VirtualBox上安装很顺利没有多大的问题,但是在VMware Workstation Pro虚拟机上安装,就会出现各种奇葩的问题,为了配置一个自己用的顺手的ubuntu环境真是折腾死人,来来回回不下10次…
deepsooncms在Ubuntu 14.04上部署教程 一.安装mono1.在命令行运行sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF echo "deb wheezy main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.…
在Ubuntu 14.04 上安装单机版ELK 2.*(脚本化) 1.判断是否为root权限 if [ "${UID}" -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be root to run this program." >&2 exit 3 fi 2.记录脚本运行日志(可以在ubuntu日志中找到对应的运行信息) log() { echo "$1" logger "$1" } 3.设置脚本运行…
在<WeText项目:一个基于.NET实现的DDD.CQRS与微服务架构的演示案例>文章中,我介绍了自己用Visual Studio 2015(C# 6.0 with .NET Framework 4.6.1)开发的DDD/CQRS/微服务架构的案例项目:WeText.文章发出后反响很好,也很感谢大家的关注.在本文中我将介绍如何在Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS中运行WeText项目的服务端. 为跨平台而生 从一开始的设计,我就把WeText的服务端跨平台纳入了实践目标,因此,所选择的框架…
本文章主要讲解如何在Windows7操作系统中硬盘安装Ubuntu 14.04 64bit: 1.准备文件 1.ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso 2.EasyBCD.exe 3.DiskGenius.exe 2.设置 1.打开EasyBCD软件,可以看到目前只有一个Win7启动项: 2.点击"添加新条目",选择"NeoGrub",点击"安装": 3.然后点击"配置",将menu.lst文件的内容…
Prerequisites The only prerequisite is having a Ubuntu 14.04 Droplet established and running. You will need root access to complete this guide. Optional: After completion of this tutorial, It would be a good idea to create a standard user account wit…
Ubuntu 14.04.4官方默认更新源sources.list # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release amd64 (20160217.1)]/ trusty main restricted # See for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution. deb http://c…