恰好前几天买了个新笔记本, 15存 sony vaio, 终于从mac回到了windows. 不过作为(曾经的)*nix追随者, 没有bash真是寸步难行, 幸好windows8.x有了super search, 否则的话在一对按钮里点来点去还真没辙-- Dvorak layout 首先就是dvorak的设定, mac上倒是可以很简单的从preference-language里设置, windows下没有给非英文输入法提供简单的配置方式.不过倒不像我用windows之前想的不可能. window…
To enable C development in a Windows 10 development environment VM, follow these steps: Start VS in the Windows 10 development environment VM. Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Project", choose "Open Visual Studio Install…
1.3 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT 1.4 WIN32 EXECUTEABLE FILE FORMAT We should also know that complied binary code is a data structure in itself,which the operating system operates on when code is loaded into memory for execution.For Win32 platforms…
最近Google Testing Blog上开始连载The Google Test and Development Environment(Google的测试和开发环境),因为blogspot被墙,我还是原文转载过来. The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 1: Office and Equipment The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 2: Dogfooding an…
Recently I have been starting to learn Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 about implement plugin and workflow with SDK. The first thing I face is how to set up a development environment for Visual Studio. If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or lower version…
https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-a-net-core-development-environment-using-visual-studio-code2/ https://www.cnblogs.com/yilezhu/p/9926078.html Almost all .NET developers are accustomed to developing applications using the Visual Studio IDE…
Setting up a EDK II build environment on Windows and Linux:搭建Windows和Linux开发环境[2.2] 2015-07   北京海淀区  张俊浩 2. Setting Up EDKII Development Environment(EDKII开发环境的搭建) ->2.1The General Procedure Of Setting Up EDKII Development Environment(搭建EDKII项目的通用流程)…
http://www.distilnetworks.com/setup-go-golang-ide-for-mac-os-x/#.V1Byrf50yM8 Programming in Go (Golang) – Setting up a Mac OS X Development Environment Published on February 4, 2015 At Distil, we have recently started to use Go (Golang) to expand the…
Setting Up a Development Environment 搭建storm开发环境所需步骤: Download a Storm release , unpack it, and put the unpacked bin/ directory on your PATH.(下载storm的release版本, 解压,并且把bin/目录加到环境变量PATH里面去.) To be able to start and stop topologies on a remote cluster,…
Setting up your development environment 1. download j2se 6 SDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html chmod 775 jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin yes | jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin mv jdk1.6.0_35 /opt ln -s /opt/jdk1.6.0_35/bin/java /us…