Supervised Hashing with Kernels, KSH】的更多相关文章

Notation 该论文中应用到较多符号,为避免混淆,在此进行解释: n:原始数据集的大小 l:实验中用于监督学习的数据集大小(矩阵S行/列的大小) m:辅助数据集,用于得到基于核的哈希函数 r:比特位数量/哈希函数的个数 1. Introduction 先前的哈希检索方法,要么精度低,要么目标函数过于复杂导致导致训练慢.在大规模的图像数据检索中,这些方法就不太适用.先前的哈希方法都是对汉明距离进行直接优化,但是因为汉明距离是nonconvex和nonsmooth,难以优化.在本文中,作者利用汉…
what has been done: This paper proposed a novel Deep Supervised Hashing method to learn a compact similarity-presevering binary code for the huge body of image data. Data sets:  CIFAR-10: 60,000 32*32 belonging to 10 mutually exclusively categories(6…
局部敏感哈希 转载请注明 在检索技术中,索引一直须要研究的核心技术.当下,索引技术主要分为三类:基于树的索引技术(tree-based index).基于哈希的索引技术(hashing-based index)与基于词的倒排索引(visual words based inverted index)[1]. 本文主要对哈希索引技术进行介绍. 哈希技术概述 在检索中.须要解决的问题是给定一…
CVPR14 图像检索papers——图像检索 1.  Triangulation embedding and democratic aggregation for imagesearch (Orals) 2.  Collaborative Hashing (post) 3.  Packing and Padding: Coupled Multi-index for Accurate ImageRetrieval (post) technical report 4.  Bayes Merging…
下面的这份哈希算法小结来源于本周的周报,原本并没有打算要贴出来的,不过,考虑到这些资源属于关注利用哈希算法进行大规模图像搜索的各位看官应该很有用,所以好东西本小子就不私藏了.本资源汇总最主要的收录原则是原作者主页上是否提供了源代码,为了每种方法的资料尽可能完整,本小子会尽可能的除提供源码下载地址外,还会给出PDF文章的链接.项目主页,slide等. 对哈希方法重新进行调研,右图是找到的提供有部分源码的哈希方法,这其中包含了比较经典的哈希方法,比如e2lsh.mih,同时也包含有最近几年一直到13…
[AAAI 2014] Supervised Hashing via Image Representation Learning [paper] [code] Rongkai Xia , Yan Pan, Hanjiang Lai, Cong Liu, Shuicheng Yan. 1. Overcome 之前的哈希方法,大都使用手工的图像特征(如GIST等)作为图像的特征表达, 但是这些手工特征是采用无监督的方式提取的,难以很好得保存原始图片的语义信息.而深度深度神经网络可以很好得表达图像特征… ORAL SESSION Image Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1   Deep Compositional Captioning: Descr…
CVPR2016 Paper list ORAL SESSIONImage Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1 Deep Compositional Captioning: Describing Novel Object Categories Witho…
CVPR2017 paper list Machine Learning 1 Spotlight 1-1A Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Multi-View Subspace Clustering Xiaojie Guo, Xiaobo Wang, Zhen Lei, Changqing Zhang, Stan Z. Li Borrowing Treasures From the Wealthy: Deep Transfer Learning Thro…
CVPR14年关于图像检索方面的papers,汇总成一个list,方便阅读. 图像检索 Triangulation embedding and democratic aggregation for image search (Orals) Collaborative Hashing (post) Packing and Padding: Coupled Multi-index for Accurate Image Retrieval (post) technical report Bayes M…