Maatwebsite would lost precision when export long integer data, no matter string or int storaged in database.   Implementing \Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithCustomValueBinder can solve this issue in your export class. You should change dataTypeForVal…
1.Nuget 下载NPOI; Install-package NPOI -version 2.4.1 2.下载EF install-package entityframework -version 6.2.0 3.添加数据,ef  model.edmx 4.建议使用NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;应为XSSF最大行数为1048575,而HSSFWorkBook 最大行数为65535行 5.数据量不能太大,要不然会FileStream写入时会OutOfMemoryException(多写…
In NetSuite SuiteScript, We usually do/implement export data to CSV, that's straight forward: Collect 'encoded' string to Array for column, join them with comma ',' to be a string. Collect each line's data same as column to push to the Array. Join al…
//For the app I have that did this, the SQLite data was fairly large. Therefore, I used a background thread to export all the data to a CSV (comma separated value) file, which Excel can import, and then opened up a mail composer with the CSV file as… Integer Data Types Type Description Pointer Byte 8-bit unsigned integer PByte ShortInt 8-bit signed integer PShortInt Word 16-bit unsigned integer PWord SmallInt 16-bit signed integer…
Malware Analysis Tutorial 8: PE Header and Export Table 2. Background Information of PE HeaderAny binary executable file (no matter on Unix or Windows) has to include a header to describe its structure: e.g., the base address of its code section, dat…
Datamover is probably the best way to export and import data between PeopleSoft databases and the scripts are very easy to write. This wiki page provides template export and import scripts to save you having to search around for the last one you wrot…
还在为module.exports.exports.export和export default,import和require区别与联系发愁吗,这一篇基本就够了! 一.首先搞清楚一个基本问题: module.exports和exports是属于CommonJS模块规范!(不清楚commonjs?大神请这边逛一逛commonjs规范) export和export default是属于ES6语法(不清楚ES6?大神请这边逛一逛ES6模块)! 同样import和require分别属于ES6和Common…
还在为module.exports.exports.export和export default,import和require区别与联系发愁吗,这一篇基本就够了! 一.首先搞清楚一个基本问题: module.exports和exports是属于CommonJS模块规范!(不清楚commonjs?大神请这边逛一逛commonjs规范) export和export default是属于ES6语法(不清楚ES6?大神请这边逛一逛ES6模块)! 同样import和require分别属于ES6和Common…
/** * 如果data是整型字符串,则转为整型,否则原样返回 * @param {*} data 整型字符串 */ export const stringToInt = (data) => { if (/^\d+$/.test(data)) { return parseInt(data, 10); } return data; }…