嘟嘟嘟 只要将每一种字母放一块输出就行了. 证明1:比如 1 2 3 4 5 6,那么这个序列对答案的贡献分别是1和5,2和4 ,3和6……如果重新排列成x x x x o o,会发现对 x x o x x o 答案的贡献不变,所以得证. 证明2:字母ai有xi个,那么对答案的最大贡献为xi * (xi - 1) / 2,重排后能达到理论上界,所以为最优解. #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cmath…
UVA - 11584 Partitioning by Palindromes We say a sequence of char- acters is a palindrome if it is the same written forwards and backwards. For example, ‘racecar’ is a palindrome, but ‘fastcar’ is not. A partition of a sequence of characters is a lis…
Palindromes Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description A regular palindrome is a string of numbers or letters that is the…
Queries for Number of Palindromes Problem's Link: http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/245/H Mean: 给你一个字符串,然后q个询问:从i到j这段字符串中存在多少个回文串. analyse: dp[i][j]表示i~j这段的回文串数. 首先判断i~j是否为回文,是则dp[i][j]=1,否则dp[i][j]=0; 那么dp[i][j]=dp[i][j]+dp[i][j-1]+dp[i+1[j…
Dual PalindromesMario Cruz (Colombia) & Hugo Rickeboer (Argentina) A number that reads the same from right to left as when read from left to right is called a palindrome. The number 12321 is a palindrome; the number 77778 is not. Of course, palindrom…
Partitioning by Palindromes Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice UVA 11584 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ]; int C(int x,int…